[-] shiftymccool@programming.dev 2 points 2 days ago

I treat it like a junior dev, it gets the gist but may make mistakes and I work it into something usable.

I also like it to save keystrokes, like when I'm building an object, it knows the structure of that object, so it ends up being tab/enter/tab/enter/... Same process for creating converters between types.

I don't expect much from it, but it does save time and keystrokes

[-] shiftymccool@programming.dev 2 points 6 days ago

This exposé is a bit suspect, or at least this part is which makes me question the integrity as a whole:

He was forced to walk 21 miles daily, one way, to his job

Average human walks 3mph. This dude apparently never sleeps.

The whole thing reads like a corporate "uNioNS BaD" article

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by shiftymccool@programming.dev to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hey all!

I have a bunch of services running on my home server and was looking to expose some of them publicly via Cloudflare tunnel. This is done and working great using the origin server certificate and strict TLS.

Up until now, I've been using self-signed certs internally but now I don't want to deal with the "proceed anyway" crap on browsers. I have Traefik set up to get certs from Cloudflare using DNS challenge and that seems to be working.

So, now my problem is: how do I switch between these certificates for the same URL when I'm internal vs public? I'd rather keep that traffic local if I'm at home, which is also working, I just can't figure out how to get Traefik to use the appropriate certificate depending on if the request is coming from my LAN or Cloudflare.

Any suggestions? Is there a better way to accomplish what I want to do?

EDIT: Looks like I'm just going full Cloudflare on this one, thanks for your help everyone!

[-] shiftymccool@programming.dev 4 points 2 weeks ago

I can get to all of these sites... but #GloryToRussia or whatever...

[-] shiftymccool@programming.dev 12 points 3 weeks ago

My guess is they're referring to these release posts with zero detail.

"KelmRigger new release!" means nothing to anybody that's never heard of it. At least add a sentence to say what it is rather than make everyone go look it up.

[-] shiftymccool@programming.dev 8 points 1 month ago

If you're from the US, you're going to talk about the US. You want people from other parts of the world to speak for you? No? Then shut up

[-] shiftymccool@programming.dev 5 points 1 month ago

Keep changes small, we use git patch stack https://github.com/uptech/git-ps

[-] shiftymccool@programming.dev 17 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Just pick a different fucking video platform. There's something wrong about a thing when people call their senators and threaten suicide if they take it away

[-] shiftymccool@programming.dev 5 points 2 months ago

I needed something dead-simple to keep homelab documentation. If it's not simple, I probably wouldn't keep up with changes. I landed on An Otter Wiki https://github.com/redimp/otterwiki

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