All cheap smartphones have a fingerprint sensor but all laptops dont have one. Is it because of security concerns or spacing reasons?

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[-] simple@lemm.ee 45 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Because you very rarely need to actually log in on your laptop. You lock and open your phone dozens of times per day, but you'll probably log in once or twice on your laptop and that's it. It's not a feature many people would care about.

[-] crab@lemm.ee 53 points 4 weeks ago

I always lock my computer when I walk away from it so my dog can't start hacking the CIA.

[-] kobra@lemm.ee 20 points 4 weeks ago

I unlock my 1Password vault(s) with fingerprint, so it’s much more useful than just logging into the laptop. which at work I log into many more times a day than once or twice.

[-] sheridan@lemmy.world 10 points 4 weeks ago

I use the TouchID on my MacBook several times a day because it unlocks the password manager and wallet.

[-] tyler@programming.dev 0 points 3 weeks ago

If you have an Apple Watch you don’t even need to do that. 😂 but yeah it’s great having a fingerprint scanner on a computer

[-] mundane@feddit.nu 8 points 4 weeks ago

I lock my computer whenever I leave my desk.

[-] ilinamorato@lemmy.world 7 points 3 weeks ago

"Rarely?" This is anecdotally very false, and I don't think I'm that much of an outlier. Do you have stats on that?

Yeah either they’re unemployed, work from home, or have terrible IT practices where they work hahaha

[-] QuarterSwede@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

For real. My work laptop locks after 5 minutes.

[-] Braindead@programming.dev 6 points 4 weeks ago

True for personal laptops, false for professional laptops. Might be why they gave me one with a fingerprint reader.

I unlock my work laptop a dozen times a day at least. Facial recognition FTW for that. TBH I've never felt the need to set up my fingerprint though...

[-] bilb@lem.monster 2 points 4 weeks ago

Most work laptops I've seen use smart cards for this. The computer is locked unless your card is inserted and a PIN is entered, and removing the card locks the computer.

[-] tyler@programming.dev 3 points 3 weeks ago

What country and industry do you work in? I’ve never even heard of that much less seen it in a professional capacity.

[-] subtext@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

I’m in the US working for a company that uses smart card plus PIN for login, then everything else is automatic SSO using those credentials.

Honestly works amazingly.

[-] lud@lemm.ee 1 points 3 weeks ago

Where I work we use passwords but I'm in the trial for Windows hello for business.

I do know though that smart cards are very common in the healthcare industry. I know that the police also use it.

[-] tyler@programming.dev 1 points 3 weeks ago

that's really weird. I worked in healthcare and literally never saw that once.. that was a decade ago now, but still.

[-] QuarterSwede@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

We use Windows Hello PINs. Great when you have a 10-key (numpad) built into the laptop. Too bad it takes forever to wake. God I wish I had any MacBook.

[-] lud@lemm.ee 1 points 3 weeks ago

Like wake from sleep? My work laptop wakes very quickly from sleep. I just touch my finger on the fingerprint reader and it wakes unlocked in just a few seconds. It's a Dell latitude 5430

[-] Almrond@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

A lot of modern places use shibboleth and 2FA keys these days, but the military still uses smart card authentication

[-] xigoi@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 4 weeks ago

As a student, I unlock my laptop several times per day.

this post was submitted on 05 May 2024
92 points (91.1% liked)

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