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Pixel Dungeon
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I never use potions of purity to loot the gold from those gas rooms anymore. I just turn them into potions of cleansing now! If I need the extra gold I just use a couple of shots of aqua blast to block the gas vents.
What is aqua blast?
It’s a spell you can make (last page of alchemy recipes list) using a potion of storm clouds and an arcane catalyst plus 2 energy. When catalysts are removed (upcoming version) it’ll cost more energy but no catalyst (equivalent resource input).
You get 8 charges of aqua blast for one recipe. I believe it is equivalent to a geyser trap in that it knocks creatures back and creates a bunch of water on the floor. You can use this for a variety of things including covering up (destroying) traps, dousing fires, making a water highway for running fast with armour of flow, giving you a place to regen with a potion of aquatic rejuvenation, etc.
Awesome! Thank you for the cool information.