Yeah I'm in my 40s now and could barely see aged 5. I had glasses that were so thick even getting them in high index the lens sticks out of a chunky frame.
We have discovered nearsightedness is caused by a lack of sunshine during childhood. The amount of bright light you're exposed to determines when your eyeballs stop growing/adjusting and if you don't get enough you end up near-sighted.
You would not have ruined your eyes in the first place back then because no evil tablets and other artificial garbage bad for the eyes
My eyes were shot long before tablets were ever a thing
Yeah I'm in my 40s now and could barely see aged 5. I had glasses that were so thick even getting them in high index the lens sticks out of a chunky frame.
I have an astigmatism in both my eyes.
... Bad eyesight has existed for all of human history. It's far from a new thing.
We have discovered nearsightedness is caused by a lack of sunshine during childhood. The amount of bright light you're exposed to determines when your eyeballs stop growing/adjusting and if you don't get enough you end up near-sighted.
That's a factor sometimes, but plenty of people are just genetically nearsighted.