submitted 10 months ago by itsmikeyd@lemmy.ml to c/android

Simple question really! Are any of you running a Custom ROM? Furthermore, are any of you running a De-Googled ROM?

Why do you run your custom ROM, and what are the drawbacks?

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[-] jcarax@beehaw.org 3 points 10 months ago

Yeah, I use Lineage on a Pixel 5 since I switched back from an iPhone a few months ago. My intention was to run Graphene or Calyx, but I can't get wifi calling working without gapps installed, even with Graphene's sandboxed play services and the dialer. I think ATT Prepaid is using the new wifi calling negotiation that Google implemented in Android 12. I have zero coverage from any carrier for miles around me, so wifi calling is pretty critical. So I installed mindthegapps, enabled wifi calling, and then disabled all the Google stuff again. I didn't want root, so I'm not too thrilled with this situation.

I'll be switching to T-Mobile/Mint or Verizon/US Mobile in the next few months, so I'll try again then. But I'm seriously considering getting a Light Phone. Then I'll use a Pixel Tablet with Graphene/Calyx and a Garmin Fenix for handling music, calendar/email, hike mapping, browsing/media while lounging, maybe a work account, etc. I'm also considering just limiting the software footprint on the Pixel, but.. that's too easy to override on a whim.

Another option is a Unihertz Jelly Star, so the screen is too small to do much. I'd really like Spotify in the car, and mostly just my downloaded daily/weekly playlists since I have such limited cell coverage. I'm not entirely sure if the Fenix can play to the head unit over Bluetooth.

I suspect the decades of infinite scroll is destroying my attention span and already limited emotional response, which is combining with my autism to put me in a place of pretty much near constant burnout. That leaves me on the cusp of meltdown at all times, it's not a good place to be. Luckily reddit gave me an excuse to do what I'd been leaning towards for over a year, and there isn't such an overload of content over here yet.

[-] notenoughbutter@lemmy.ml 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

you can install sandboxed google play services on grapheneos which so much better than microg on lineage

[-] jcarax@beehaw.org 1 points 10 months ago

I tried that, and couldn't get it working. There must be some other package I'm missing. I tried some stuff like carrier services, but no luck. Or maybe it's the sandboxed nature of gsp, but I think there's something else missing. There's a dialog that launches in Lineage without gapps and Lineage with MicroG, but fails to register the feature still. But in Graphene and Calyx, that dialog never launches.

this post was submitted on 21 Jul 2023
151 points (97.5% liked)


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