Oh look, the advertisement technique of making a funny mistake to boost it's popularity.
It's intentional actually, you can check other titles of that game series https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratchet_%26_Clank#Games
I meant the tweet but yeah, these titles are interesting to the say the least.
That's amazing.
I don't care if it's intentional, it's funny and made me exhale out of my nose. That's all I care about
and as another person said, it's in line with how Ratchet & Clank games were titled.
Oh look, the advertisement technique of making a funny mistake to boost it's popularity.
It's intentional actually, you can check other titles of that game series https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratchet_%26_Clank#Games
I meant the tweet but yeah, these titles are interesting to the say the least.
That's amazing.
I don't care if it's intentional, it's funny and made me exhale out of my nose. That's all I care about
and as another person said, it's in line with how Ratchet & Clank games were titled.