What unintended ADHD medication were you taking before you realized?
The lighter side of ADHD
They suck me in easily, that's why I stopped playing completely
Did you ever get the "brain feels weird, like the waves are a different shape" after a long deep dive in a game? Only games and books do it to me, books being a less janky, more smooth but definitely different sensation.
God please say yes it's not only me right? what's up with my worm-meat?
I don't underdtand, rephrase the feeling please
Yeah i got a bit weird with my description haha... After a long session of hyperfocusing (on a game you've been sucked in by for example), do you ever feel odd for a few minutes after disconnecting from that focus?
Usually for me it ends on me going to bed because I played for 5 hours and haven't done anything that I needed to do, which makes me sad and sleepy at the same time so I just go bed. But since I stopped playing games and went to the gym it has gotten a lot better, I recommend you to go to gym even if you are not a big fan of it
Yes! I get this if I stay up too late doomscrolling. But by the time it happens, it’s too late to do anything about it. It also makes me vaguely…nauseous? I’m not sure if that’s the correct word, but it makes something in me physically uneasy as well.