DNC Announces Plans to Learn Nothing from This
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
Then it isn't the fault of the Harris campaign.
That would not make a difference if voters have always been low-information.
You mean like have multiple TV channels and foreign governments pump out endless propaganda? You're right, the real issue in America is that there's no Democrat version of Fox News, Newsmax, etc. and they haven't reached out to Putin for help.
Also, this is nothing like Reagan/Mondale. Reagan never said he would be a dictator. Reagan never quoted Hitler.
This is the denial that I've been seeing everywhere. People keep thinking that "oh, the dems might learn something and do better in 4 years." Nope. It's done. The courts have been irreparably compromised and left of center policy will probably never again be allowed.