Some people with ADHD thrive in periods of stress, new study shows
The lighter side of ADHD
this article feels.... really gross. like wow, ADHD people thrive under stress! i wonder how they ended up like that
it also doesn't seem to have any regard for the wellbeing of the people in the study, just their productivity, although it could just be being presented poorly by the article
just shitty overall
Study's don't have to study every aspect....they can focus on just one...like someone with ADHD and how they handle productivity during stress.
Personally, I wouldn't want wellbeing in the way when reading about ADHD peoples stress and productivity. Stick to the point and don't add feelings garbage into it.
would it be that it were so simple, but for that "feelings garbage" to be the cause of ADHD to begin with...
It’s a study not a therapy session.