Who Decided to Deploy 1/3 of the US Navy to the Middle East?
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My question was for what actions? Do you seriously think you can sink a US warship? At least pretend to be credible when making inane threats.
That said, the last foreign army occupying my homeland was Russian, depending on whether you consider foreign Chinese policemen on your streets a foreign army.
I can't but someone in the region might be able to.
then you should be able to relate instead of ridicule
If someone there managed to sink a US warship, the US will invade and destroy everything in the area in response. That is an escalation no one wants. They're attacking civilian shipping because they can't fight back effectively.
The US destroyed Afghanistan in retaliation for 9/11 and they didn't even have anything to do with it.
The Afghans won and the US left humiliated in the end. Not a bad outcome.