submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by WaterWaiver@aussie.zone to c/sewing@lemmy.world

I want to make my own iron-on labels and patches (small scale, for fun).

Does anyone know what the name of the adhesive is? All I can find when I search online are people wanting to sell me pre-made patches, not information about their composition.

I presume it's some low melting point (<100degC) polymer. For all I know a wide variety of things might work (maybe even PETG 3d printer filament, which softens around 70degC, or hot glue shavings), but I'd like to see if I can at least find out the name of what's commercially used.

EDIT: Solved, see https://aussie.zone/comment/4326482

I sewed a bag (lemmy.world)
submitted 7 months ago by Papanca@lemmy.world to c/sewing@lemmy.world

All from secondhand curtain and bedsheet. Sewing, serging and handstitching. It has a lining and an inside pocket.

It will be a gift for someone.

It's so cheerful! Don't look to closely, but it is sturdy enough

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Papanca@lemmy.world to c/sewing@lemmy.world

Hi all,

(I hope) I am ready to try making a bodice sloper, using the instructions from the closet historian However, the patterns she recommends are pretty much unavailable, only a couple of small sizes, for which i would have to pay an enormous amount of shipping costs, as i live in Europe.

Do you have or use a modern pattern that would be really suitable as a bodice sloper? I would be looking for something like size 14-20

She also has a video on how to make something from scratch, but she advices against it and i'm not yet a very experienced sewer, so i trust her judgement.

As an aside, am i paranoid in thinking these companies retracted these shell patterns, because they don't want to risk loosing their audience?

Spooky Halloween shirt complete! (media.mastodon.sunny.garden)

Spooky Halloween shirt complete!

Husband has always fancied a proper cool Halloween shirt, so I picked this fabric in secret and banned him from the sewing room until it was complete.

I could only afford the absolute bare minimum yardage, and didn't have much control over pattern placement (also no room for cutting errors, eek!)

But it all worked out and as of tonight he's seen it and tried it on and appears to love it. All good!

I will get proper posed photos at some point but for now here it is on my decidedly more curvy dress form!

Main annoyance is that my topstitching is a bit wonky, and I'm normally pretty good at topstitching. Oh well.

Pattern: McCall's M6044
Design: https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/10478337

@sewing #Sewing #Halloween #M6044 #FallFinishAlong

submitted 8 months ago by just_chill@jlai.lu to c/sewing@lemmy.world

It took me about four month between buying the fabric and completion. I had other things on my list and spent way too long on the design (two months to decide). I wanted a long flowy dress, but this quilting fabric is too stiff for that. So I attempted a tailored, more serious look, balanced by the print. I could have done it a bit faster if I didn't slack off the button holes. (Did some tests with the machine, but ended up doing it by hand.)
I am really happy about the asymetrical opening and neckline, it looks good and it's functionnal. I am very pleased with the buttons as well.

I continued the theme on the 3/4 sleeves. The result is a bit underwhelming, and I haven't worn that length of sleeves in a long time, we'll see if I find it comfortable.

Let's not be coy about it: the innards ! It has one continuous bit of bias tape from the neck to the bottom, which is a nice acomplishement but lays funky on the shoulder, would redo it differently. The facings were annoying but worth it in the end. I still need to secure the sleeves facing better, because I catch it while putting the dress on. Also still need to take a decision on the waist seam finishing, which is tricky because of the buttonholes and the hook and eye holding the inside in place.

Yes, of course.
(also look how the buttonblacket lies flat!)

There are a few weird folds under my arms and on one shoulder, which I need to fix next time. The sleeves fit very well and don't restrict my mouvement, which is weird given how much I winged that part.
Pattern my own, using slash and spread based on my bodice block. I used mostly straight machine stitch and hand sewing, no overlocker. Pocket fabric is of unknown origin (curtain maybe?)

50p sheet into an entire holiday outfit! (media.mastodon.sunny.garden)

50p sheet into an entire holiday outfit!

Yep. Fifty pence in a charity shop, you literally can't go wrong.

I made this over the summer in preparation for our big family holiday, and remember I had to ask for help with gathering over at @sewing because it was being a nightmare and I am a noob. Worked out pretty well in the end, though! (Thank you Lemmy folks for the advice)

Lots of firsts with this skirt! Well, two firsts. I put pockets into a pattern that didn't have them, and also drafted a curved waistband so it would actually fit. Felt pretty pro after all that, I won't lie 😎

Patterns are the Cali Skirt and Ellie Bralette from https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/NHPATTERNS, and I was about to shoutout @wisbr for enabling me with that link in the first place, but she seems to have gone and now I'm sad 😢

#Sewing #CruiseWitch #MeMadeWardrobe #ItHasPockets #Thrifting

submitted 8 months ago by shalafi@lemmy.world to c/sewing@lemmy.world

Nothing fancy, neither is terribly new or old. Not being able to sew is really holding me back on DIY projects.

Is there an "Operating a Sewing Machine for Dummies" video or tutorial you like?

submitted 8 months ago by shalafi@lemmy.world to c/sewing@lemmy.world

Nothing fancy, neither is terribly new or old. Not being able to sew is really holding me back on DIY projects.

Is there an "Operating a Sewing Machine for Dummies" video or tutorial you like?

submitted 8 months ago by Papanca@lemmy.world to c/sewing@lemmy.world

Hi all,

I'm about to purchase my first overlocker -probably the Juki MO 654 DE, for the curious among you- and i can't find the answer to one question i have:

How do you choose yarn colors. I've heard it say that some use those 4 colors, like the threading guides indicate. And others use only white, i think? Does it have to do with the loopers and needles and what is visible on your fabric?

So, those of you with an overlocker; what do you do? Is it like choosing yarn colors with a regular sewing machine?

And bonus question; do these yarn cones last as long as they would on a sewing machine, or do overlockers consume more yarn per cone?

submitted 9 months ago by Papanca@lemmy.world to c/sewing@lemmy.world

I'm going to cut a microfiber cloth in pieces to make small cloths to clean your glasses with. So, i was researching which overlock stitch best to use on my regular sewing machine and suddenly came across this scientific article:


Such a totally unexpected find, but it does make me think. I just had to share it with you, makes for a bit of a change, right :-)

(I submitted this post earlier, but it seems to never have made it to the community, so apologies if you see this post twice)


I got a singer 8606 from a yard sale and am having trouble finding a manual online and what parts work with it?

E.g. compatible bobbins, needles, etc.

submitted 9 months ago by GraniteM@lemmy.world to c/sewing@lemmy.world

From LIFE Magazine


But I love it and have worn it a ton since making it!

I'm a sort of "intermediate beginner" sewist and made a few things for a recent holiday that I will dig up pics and post about here over the next few days.

But one of those things was just this really basic tiered skirt from a bedsheet that I got for £2 at a charity shop. Can't go wrong for that price and a couple of hours work! Followed this WikiHow tutorial for sizes etc.

The sheet was a single, so wasn't quite big enough to get as much gathering on the bottom tier as I'd planned. But whatever.

Didn't even end up wearing this one on holiday but it's been great for flouncing around the house in, and that's a win in my book 😀

Sometimes it's the simple projects that bring the most joy!


I picked it up to do some canvas projects. Sews through 6 layers of canvas pretty easily! First simple thing I made (warning, pretty amateur sewing :) )

submitted 10 months ago by just_chill@jlai.lu to c/sewing@lemmy.world

publication croisée depuis : https://jlai.lu/post/545865

So I added some tiny fishes!

The shirt itself was roughly copied from one I had and the fit is.... well, I can put it on which is nice, but I try not to move too much while wearing it. The shoulers and upper sleeves are tight and it's too long. But I bought an expensive fancy fabric that feels nice, and the details are ridiculously hard to do, so I keep it like that. I only wear it like 4 times a year.


Sloppy edge because I was just in a hurry to get it done, and I also ran out of that color.

Made it for a trip, but it's too large. I'm pretty frustrated at myself for that. Oh well..

Machine Stickers (startrek.website)

Yay or nay?

I was looking at the special edition Bernina machines and they are pretty, but I can't justify the extra $1,000 price difference. I decided to add my own stickers instead.

submitted 10 months ago by Facelikeapotato@lemmy.ml to c/sewing@lemmy.world
submitted 11 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/sewing@lemmy.world
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by tox_solid@lemmy.world to c/sewing@lemmy.world
submitted 11 months ago by pizza_rolls@kbin.social to c/sewing@lemmy.world
submitted 11 months ago by MaryReadsBooks@lemmy.ml to c/sewing@lemmy.world

Hey, I really would like to try out sewing, but I never did anything like that. How to start?

submitted 11 months ago by just_chill@lemmy.world to c/sewing@lemmy.world

Have you finally done a thing that you have been putting off for long? Figuring the invisible zipper? Putting sleeves on correctly on first try? Conquered a new fiddly fabric? Created the most perfect fit?

It has been downhill since the stripped dress I'm afraid, but that dress has the most perfectly matching stripes all around and that makes me very proud! (I have also finally brought my machine to the repair shop and it's running much more smoothly, huge improvement)

submitted 11 months ago by pizza_rolls@kbin.social to c/sewing@lemmy.world
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