[-] ytg@feddit.ch 12 points 3 months ago

Every once in a while, you can refresh your memory by reading the man page.

Or if, like me, you use Emacs, Magit exposes everything quite clearly.

[-] ytg@feddit.ch 98 points 4 months ago

Antisemitism to Palestinian support is like misandry to feminism. Yeah, some people might be guilty of it (and those who are, misunderstand the latter ideologies), but it's way overrepresented in opposing media, who is often guilty of such issues itself.

[-] ytg@feddit.ch 72 points 4 months ago

We need laws mandating respect of robots.txt. This is what happens when you don’t codify stuff

[-] ytg@feddit.ch 31 points 4 months ago

Everything is reverse-engineered, and different people work on different stuff. It’s not like the resources devoted to OpenGL could be diverted to microphone support, that’s a completely different skill set.

[-] ytg@feddit.ch 18 points 4 months ago


(Don’t forget Israel!)

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by ytg@feddit.ch to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

Many Lemmy instances have "feddit" in their name. Is that just "federated reddit" or am I missing something?

[-] ytg@feddit.ch 17 points 5 months ago

Why would anyone identify by their political ideology? Or worse, by a single party??

[-] ytg@feddit.ch 48 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

This isn't a new discovery, is it? People already know about this, it's been like this for years. This has always been one of Netanyahu's many criticisms, even at home.

[-] ytg@feddit.ch 16 points 8 months ago

This war really makes you hate Britain (and possibly France) for causing unrest in the first place

[-] ytg@feddit.ch 16 points 9 months ago

The Israeli government doesn't even represent all Israelis, let alone all Jews. Does represent the vast majority unfortunately

[-] ytg@feddit.ch 40 points 10 months ago

Fine, but, like, don't recommend Vivaldi. Also, if you disable the Brave ads, you're not really supporting them, while still getting the benefits.

— Sent from Librewolf

[-] ytg@feddit.ch 16 points 10 months ago

Use whatever you want. But do consider if you want to contribute to Google's monopoly, and if you want to use an open-source browser.

  • Vivaldi Browser is not open source. Better use Brave than that…
  • If you still really hate Firefox, Ungoogled Chromium which is basically Chrome with all the Google stuff removed.
  • All of the above do still contribute to Google's monopoly, so I would really encourage Firefox or a fork.
  • Barring that, you could also get away with a WebKit browser (like GNOME web, Nyxt). Although WebKit is developed by Apple, it's still open source and doesn't look particularly bad. If you're on a Mac, Safari is an option, but it's closed source.
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