I dont necessarily agree, for example M is from the early 30s and a great movie.
Twitter sucked long before musk bought it. A character limit is just not conducive to many modes of discourse, but that didnt stop people from shoehorning everything into the format anyway. The result is a culture of flippancy, where quips are prized over earnest engagement. I had to stop using twitter in like 2012 because it only ever made me angry, even if I limited my follows to people I agreed with. It's all anwers with no questions, unless they're a rhetorical device in service of the answer.
I DMed you, if you still have a spare invite.
do they make you keep watching the ad until you get it right?
I dont feel the need to, its all direct peer to peer so you're downloading one file from one person. Its not like a torrent where you're downloading little bits of a single file from many people. However it's still theoretically possible for a rights holder to share something on the network to bait you and get your IP.
Seconding soulseek. It has a lot mare flac than it used to. I more often will find flac of an obscure album and no 320 mp3 than the inverse.
You could scrape the current community and update the db that populates the new one with all the old posts maybe? including the original time stamps? Not sure if thats possible.
yea, once i figured out the freeleech thing, i was off to the races. my ratio has nearly 10x'd what it was since I made this post
that was exactly the problem. I found a more desired torrent and now my ratio is safe 8-)
Thanks a lot. I edited my post, but i don't think the issue is as clear cut as just the server being slow due an overcrowded network like i thought at first. I just downloaded several gigs from it in under 15 minutes. Im just not seeing those speeds in my seeds. Maybe i have to pick better torrents to seed.
Recently finished rereading Perdido Street Station by China Mieville. I really ought to read the other Bas-Lag books. Currently reading Under Heaven by Guy Gavriel Kay