[-] wingsfortheirsmiles@feddit.uk 1 points 4 days ago

I've not had UI issues but agree on the Pop Shop. The next iteration with Cosmic looks to be significantly improved at least

[-] wingsfortheirsmiles@feddit.uk 4 points 4 days ago

PopOS has an ISO with Nvidia drivers included, no issues gaming straight away on my old 1080ti. As I'm a simpleton who just likes their system to with I've stuck with it even after upgrading to an AMD card

[-] wingsfortheirsmiles@feddit.uk 20 points 1 month ago

Number 2 was huge for me, and it hit home when I realised that 99% of my Steam library was supported. Thankfully I don't need to use any Windows only apps (Adobe suite, etc) so the decision to move over to Linux was trivial personally

[-] wingsfortheirsmiles@feddit.uk 31 points 2 months ago

Praying the Xperia 5 VI is a bit more compact that the previous iteration. That and Sony actually start supporting their services for at least 5 years -_-

[-] wingsfortheirsmiles@feddit.uk 13 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

You're amongst the stars now, safe travels Kenneth

Edit: for those who haven't watched it yet, I highly recommend this featurette https://www.startrek.com/en-un/news/exclusive-featurette-kenneth-mitchell-to-boldly-go

[-] wingsfortheirsmiles@feddit.uk 14 points 3 months ago

I've never had this come up and travel abroad a fair bit. Though now that I think about it I always use it through a VPN set to my home country lol


I recently installed Pop on another device, everything is fine except for Pop Shop which seems to be missing apps that I already have installed through there on my main desktop.

I checked that I hadn't accidentally deleted/messed with the sources and they all look fine. These are common apps like Librewolf, Joplin and Standard Notes.

I know they can be installed through other methods like apt or appimage but am curious as to the possible reasons behind the discrepancy. What's more confusing is that I had a few attempts installing Pop (as recently as 10hrs ago) on this newer device and they appeared then!

[-] wingsfortheirsmiles@feddit.uk 20 points 4 months ago

Sad how far Android Police have fallen, as well as Google themselves

[-] wingsfortheirsmiles@feddit.uk 14 points 5 months ago

I feel fortunate that I don't rely on software that's not on Linux, unfortunately very much not the case for all

[-] wingsfortheirsmiles@feddit.uk 36 points 7 months ago

I adore this episode, especially later on when the SNW crew go fan crazy over the NX-01 crew with those Boimler and Mariner grinning in the background. That and Boim's Section 31 fast walk

[-] wingsfortheirsmiles@feddit.uk 19 points 7 months ago

Mike McMahan is a lifelong Trekkie and it shows! Whilst I do wish the references to other shows were toned down a smidge in favour of building new lore I always enjoy them hah. "Not the 'Gazer!"

[-] wingsfortheirsmiles@feddit.uk 11 points 9 months ago

Are there any plans for a new flagship HTC phone? Still remember being blown away by my colleague's all metal M8

[-] wingsfortheirsmiles@feddit.uk 11 points 9 months ago

Doesn't exactly reflect well on Asus' customer service but good to get confirmation at least (especially as someone who just bought a ZF10!)

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