@Hyggyldy @JohnDClay Where is the Brandon Sanderson portion of the sub because that looks like an SF gaming instance, above?
@antonim @reversebananimals I'm honestly not sure how Amazon thought GR was gonna make them money? I mean, if I wanna buy a Kindle book/book from Amazon, I never go to Goodreads. I just go there to look up series and books by authors and then just use my libraries to get the books. I knew even back then GR would **never** make Amazon money.
@JaymesRS Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for! I just wish the books had synopsis on the pages, though. This is actually great!
@Jaluvshuskies No, it's an alternative front end. Technically speaking, Mastodon/Hometown/Glitch are the Twitter of the Fediverse. I am on Hometown.
@theilleists See https://tweesecake.social/@weirdwriter/113107170585217382