South Korean private citizens send snack cakes, pamphlets, movies and K-Pop, North Korea's defense ministry sends (or strongly condones sending) dookie and trash, says that their deliveries represent how hard it is for the DPRK to get rid of their trash. I THINK WE KNOW who the real victims are here.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/14642241

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/14642231

cross-posted from: https://real.lemmy.fan/post/2770288

They need help scanning twenty more pallets of stuff.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/14642231

cross-posted from: https://real.lemmy.fan/post/2770288

They need help scanning twenty more pallets of stuff.


cross-posted from: https://real.lemmy.fan/post/2770288

They need help scanning twenty more pallets of stuff.

[-] verity_kindle@lemmy.world 32 points 2 months ago

Yes, this is what girls want, not money or six pack abs. We want a thicc boi that can decimate a Russian radar station while making us pancakes.

[-] verity_kindle@lemmy.world 31 points 2 months ago

Good memories here. We need more Tycoon content. How TF did giant flaming smokestacks get in there, lower right corner of two screenshots? A mod?

[-] verity_kindle@lemmy.world 30 points 3 months ago

It was worth stealing. The zombified Barbossa is somehow more scary with the goggles and tacticool stuff. He can walk over the seabed. He could be anywhere right now. Goggles freak me out.......what were we talking about?

[-] verity_kindle@lemmy.world 32 points 3 months ago



Forgive me, I can't post any images directly from Firefox/Android version of Lemmy and don't know htf to use image hosting yet. I want all of the Best Brains to come together for a moment of reflection. I just saw the episode of TOS in which Kirk, Spock and McCoy put their lives on the line against T'Pring the Spicy Senorita in a game of Horny Death Chess. Please, reflect: who would choose Stonn over Spock? Real estate and post code swagger worth having to "consort" with someone who is not your equal socially, aesthetically or intellectually? Was Stonn playing the long game to move up the social ladder? Was there a "Downton"-esque world of servants and farmers back on Spock's estates, just praying that T'Pring didn't take over The Manor?

[-] verity_kindle@lemmy.world 30 points 5 months ago

Black tea is superior to coffee, because the caffeine rush is much more pleasant and the crash is mild. It's better at helping you focus and improving your mood. Tea doesn't wreck your stomach lining and turn you into a raving looney when you can't get it. It's cheaper than coffee, pound for pound. The people who run the world are all tea drinkers.

[-] verity_kindle@lemmy.world 65 points 5 months ago

That guy put himself in solitary confinement, forever. What could the feddies do to him that is more fitting?


AI interpreting images, yawn. AI interpreting language, what a trip! All credit to @animelvr_269 on Nightcafe, of course.


Frakkin amazing image of a black pearl by @chrisfrancois on Nightcafe. We need more art like this on Nightcafe. NOT my work, credit to chrisfrancois.


Happy New Year to all my Bloomers. May the Dandelion Republic live forever. ::theme music plays::: What should our theme be?

[-] verity_kindle@lemmy.world 32 points 6 months ago

The true NCD really lives in the hearts of each and every one of us.


Opus cuddling a melon crayon. I ganked this from social media and look at the crisp perfection of this strip at least a couple times a year. Hope you enjoy.


I don't even live in Oklahoma any more and only lived in Norman very briefly in the oughts. Therefore, I am the point man on this. Any one who misses making fun of Oklahoma and maybe even misses the state just a little bit, this one's for you. You are not alone. Remember to call your grandma or grandma-adjacent today. It's okay to admit that you might want to trade your original in for a cuddlier, less judgemental update. Maybe it wasn't fresh cookies and mumus on the lanai [or seriously, emotional availability] or other things you needed. The beauty of this life God has given us is that we can adopt grandma-adjacents, old people who inspire us, into our lives any time we like. You can take yours to the Wallsmart or the hair salon and mock people together. The world is wide and there are old people out there who will happily hang out on the lanai with you. Holy Advent and Merry Christmas, keep it between the mayonnaise and the mustard, i.e., keep moving/don't give up. You were born for hope, not for despair. We still have Bill Murray.

[-] verity_kindle@lemmy.world 27 points 6 months ago

That's so sad.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by verity_kindle@lemmy.world to c/landedgentry@lemmy.world

Fascinating and based article from Scientific American on why it will be difficult to conceive babies in space and carry a pregnancy successfully. I didn't know that International Space Station astronauts lose that much bone density from microgravity during their stay. For an adult in his or her thirties or forties, that might be too much mineral to get back, even with ideal health and reconditioning regimens after getting home. Women with osteoporosis have prescription drugs they can take to slow down this type of mineral loss, do we even know how those work in microgravity?

[-] verity_kindle@lemmy.world 35 points 9 months ago

Who would downvote the Swiss Guard? All they do is provide selfie opportunities since 1527. They're politically neutral. They promote elegant men's tactical clothing. SMH

[-] verity_kindle@lemmy.world 28 points 9 months ago

I'll take my cake in tiramisu, thankyou

[-] verity_kindle@lemmy.world 45 points 9 months ago

It's almost like moderators were highly skilled workers in a very, very small niche. It's as if a company that sold highly specialized training for prenatal brain surgeons, started a campaign to discredit every single prenatal brain surgeon in the world and force them all to lose their jobs, then attempted to fill in every one of those jobs with middle school theater kids.

[-] verity_kindle@lemmy.world 34 points 10 months ago

I was hoping so hard for a Swanson meme. I thank you from the bottom of my weird little heart. "Why get a ham radio license?" Argh. Because I want to achieve my own Pyramid of Greatness.


There's much more to bulk shopping for staples than the big box stores. EZ Prepping has a searchable directory of stores and markets, so you can shop like a stone cold Mennonite saver. Things I've noticed about shopping at Amish or Mennonite stores: 1.) Many are not listed online, you have to find them in the local paper or word of mouth. That's how I found "Sunny Gardens" in Lamar, MO. 2.) Call before you go, as many of them change their hours based on seasons and stock availability. These are mostly family-run, small places. If Grandma is at her heart appointment and can't man the cash register, then that's it for the day. 3.) Bring your own shopping bags. 4.) Less packaging on everything. They buy in bulk and re-sell most items in smaller packaging labeled and sold by weight. 5.) Take your time shopping, they're also selling chickens, nursery stock and a bunch of other stuff, they'll get to you when they can. Again, family-run. 6.) Bring cash, these are low volume places and the credit card transaction fees, IF they take credit cards, might be punitive for the owners. 7.) There might be a minimum charge to use a debit or credit card. 8.) There probably won't be a public bathroom. 9.) You will meet cool people who know how to raise their own food. The ladies at Sunny Gardens didn't mind being asked about hyperlocal gardening stuff- climate, planting dates, soil, what works and what doesn't. Asking "what is worth my time to grow around here?" can unlock a wealth of experience and information. Don't just go by books, Rodale Press doesn't know shit about what to grow in Missouri or Kansas and I'm calling them out, right here, right now. Rodale, you are not the be all and end all. There are neatly dressed old ladies in kerchiefs who will tell you how it is.

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