[-] vegetarian_pacemaker@lemmy.ml 17 points 10 months ago

Can confirm, not just with the game but similar activities eg: stacking those body parts into a nice cube really takes away from the stress of killing someone

[-] vegetarian_pacemaker@lemmy.ml 4 points 11 months ago


Independent journalist Andrei Zakharov, citing an unnamed source, said Prigozhin on Wednesday was returning to Russia from a trip in Africa, where Wagner mercenaries have operated for years and where Prigozhin was recently filmed for a recruitment video.

“It would be a miracle if he’s on another plane,” the source said.>

[-] vegetarian_pacemaker@lemmy.ml 16 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Glad to see this video, even with some of the drawbacks mentioned in the comments. I think everyone needs a path to redemption and LMG should get a chance. I think that this "reflection" should be more regular. LMG is no longer a small company and like it or not, they need to regularly be ahead of these situations. I really hope that they will take a week ever month or two to review any new screw ups and remedy them. Process will not solve everything, ensuring a company culture that has key values will triump process. It takes time however. I wish them the best.

[-] vegetarian_pacemaker@lemmy.ml 31 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I think you are missing out on the difference. Errors are made and that wasn't the issue, the issue was not taking the time to properly correct and stop misinformation from spreading (comment not pinned, replacement of videos without notifying of the change, never ever taking down a faulty video). Not doing the right thing should and will have a negative impact on your reputation. If gamer nexus does the same, I would support every other channel that calls them out on that. Billet labs not suing isn't proof that the way it was handled was acceptable. Billet labs seems to have taken the high road to try and move ahead of what is unacceptable behavior from LMG. I also disagree on the free advertising. Advertising is helpful if you have a product to sell, trashing the reputation by improperly testing simply because LMG cannot be "troubled" to do their job properly is indicative of bad management.

LMG has two choices, either they stop calling themselves a real tech reviewer and go all in the "entertainment" genre or be accountable to be a respectable tech reviewer. GN rightfully pointing that out for no financial gain is what I consider a true friend moment. We all make mistakes, LMG has a rare opportunity to really reflect and decided to correct thanks to the efforts of someone that has the courage to call things out, especially given the clout LMG has in this space.

[-] vegetarian_pacemaker@lemmy.ml 3 points 11 months ago

Even that is a lame excuse, waterproof phones event existed in the replaceable battery era! Speaking of the replaceable battery era, I remember those extended batteries. With a thicker back cover, we got even bigger batteries. It's a pity how we have no choice now.

[-] vegetarian_pacemaker@lemmy.ml 4 points 11 months ago

To be honest, if my current phone had the a reliable way for me to change it's battery, I would keep it for longer even! I got my custom ROM going with the latest updates, pixel ported cam. The only limitation I have is lack of 5g and reduced battery life. In all honesty, with chargers in my car, work and home, it hasn't become a reason to change yet.

[-] vegetarian_pacemaker@lemmy.ml 7 points 11 months ago

Boost was my go-to as well! Waiting for it to come out for lemmy

[-] vegetarian_pacemaker@lemmy.ml 4 points 11 months ago

Wow.. looks so close! Amazing to see Piastri killing it with the quali

[-] vegetarian_pacemaker@lemmy.ml 25 points 1 year ago

3 cars? I've seen people do crazy stunts to either end up one car ahead or worse overtake me only find me again at the next traffic light

[-] vegetarian_pacemaker@lemmy.ml 14 points 1 year ago

Have I visted reddit, yes. Do I use it? No. I have grown to love lemmy. Disconnecting from a hyper charged, conterversy seeking website has done me good!

[-] vegetarian_pacemaker@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 year ago

Couldn't chat gpt do it for you?

[-] vegetarian_pacemaker@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 year ago

I've abandoned reddit.. just hoping that them nsfw subreddits come over too..

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