[-] uzi@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 month ago

Find an American that has any reverance for Memorial Day and how it started, compared to the number of Americans that only care about being a paid day off but not holiday it is.

[-] uzi@lemmy.ca 5 points 1 month ago

I would like to find a indie military first person shooter single player campaign but it is a massive struggle. I don't like any space creature shooter games like Doom series.

[-] uzi@lemmy.ca 4 points 2 months ago

An American judge in an American coutroom says the American Constitution does not exist.

[-] uzi@lemmy.ca 8 points 2 months ago

Have you considered the possibility his whole YouTube gig was always a scam? Look at how 1995 his website is. Has ever done a video teaching how to do anything technical so viewers can do something themself? He's a talker. There's no evidence of having IT skills.

His audience is the uninformed, don't know any better. All he does is talk. People are better search videos and watching a random person showcase how the work is done for people to follow along and teach through examples. Rob doesn't show anything, only talks about it.

For all viewers know, all of his videos might be his opinions based of what others say, but give him a terminal or a shell and a keyboard, he might not know how to do anything.

[-] uzi@lemmy.ca 4 points 2 months ago

How does 9 or 10 games on sale qualify as "tons of great discounts"?

[-] uzi@lemmy.ca 5 points 2 months ago

If this is for version 4.2.2, I would be interested in a similiar write up for version 5.6 or later.

[-] uzi@lemmy.ca 5 points 4 months ago

If you pick a JMP number, you can port your JMP to a cell service, and a cell number can be ported to JMP.

I believe, but I may be wrong, that cell/mobile companies get a different batch of numbers from VoIP companies, so if you port a cell number to JMP, it will likely still be believed to be a cell number, but I can't say 100% concerete for sure.

[-] uzi@lemmy.ca 5 points 4 months ago

It's exclusively my phone number using Cheogram app from F-Droid. I paid for 2 numbers, one number is for bank and credit cards, I use that number to call financial places or verify login. My other number is my personal number and for Molly/Signal, etc.

Since JMP only requires XMPP, a federated service, it's essentially an anonymous phone service, and if you travel internationally, you connect to wi-fi in a different country and can make local calls to anyone back home.

All it is is a VoIP number, and some services detect a VoIP number and require a cell number, but you can port your cell number to JMP, you don't have to have a new number from JMP.

[-] uzi@lemmy.ca 13 points 4 months ago

The only way to have total privacy is no internet and no phone.

The ones who rant the loudest about priavy are always people who don't have the technical skills to configure a network to fully know how it all works. It actually is possible to have a setup that has so much privacy it is either unusable, or it show a level of grandiose narcissism. What people can do is a lot of little things, and accept what can never be change.

As a starting point, if a person wants to have extremely strict priacy, use GrapheneOS and in F-Droid settings turn off all of the anti-features so no apps are listed with any anti-features. Do not use cell service, and yes that means no data for going out, use a web-based VoIP. On computer/laptop, install OpenBSD, and build a router to run a OpenBSD firewall. All of those steps will instantly have a massive impact on protecting privacy and will have a lot more real world skills to utilize.

[-] uzi@lemmy.ca 7 points 7 months ago

Given how the quality of new releases and zero new games being worth the price, I have not bought a new release in over 10 years, maybe 12 years. I can't justify the price vs. what companies have been putting out.

[-] uzi@lemmy.ca 5 points 7 months ago

If you want a phone, buy a used Pixel, and flash GrapheneOS on it within about 15 minutes. All you do is connect Pixel to computer and use a web browser on computer for Graphene website to flash onto phone. There is no rooting of phone involved.

[-] uzi@lemmy.ca 5 points 7 months ago

It's a scam. He clearly has no web development knowledge, the website is very little effort, no maintenance or expansion of the site, and he is not technical at all. When was there any changes to the website brax.me and what changes were they?

To me knowledge, he has never shot a single instructional video. What he says is a mix of what he reads and his opinion, but he has never done a video showing how to do anything shawcasing his skill.

Looking at brax.me, I suspect he is targeting people who only know how to turn on a cell phone and know nothing more than that so that can't find fault with anything he says and hopefully be amazed by his ramblings.

He is only about getting free money, he has no skills to teach and educate others how to do. He charges for services that others give for free. Such as the 4GB storage limit, multple Nextcloud sites provide free 10GB storage. He's trying to make money without working.

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