[-] uzi@lemmy.ca 7 points 2 days ago

There are good free market capitalists who are trying to expose corporatism to distinguish it from capitalism with healthy competition that makes locally owned services and businesses, some of those even get to know their customers. Coporations believe they are entitled to everybody else's money while only doing the token minimal for very large amounts of money.

[-] uzi@lemmy.ca -5 points 4 days ago

The case sounds right, because it is a crime against humanity to hurt someone's feelings. I would assume that using words deemed offensive would merrit the death penalty.

[-] uzi@lemmy.ca -4 points 5 days ago

I will never report any person I know if they do something that is within the consitution but has a criminal conviction, there is no crime. If a convict has a gun, I ignore the law and treat them as being within their rights if the gun is currently being used in a criminal matter.

[-] uzi@lemmy.ca -4 points 5 days ago

And after they have been released from incarceration, I treat them as still posessing every and all constituional rights.

submitted 1 month ago by uzi@lemmy.ca to c/britishcolumbia@lemmy.ca

If the federal government has been obligated to pay out and reimburse people who were severely injured or damaged from vaccines, why should be get any injections?


Disagreements (lemmy.ca)
submitted 2 months ago by uzi@lemmy.ca to c/britishcolumbia@lemmy.ca

Since the bulk of you in this group are ideologues, how do you discern between respectful disagreement with someone and if someone is pushing conformity to only one acceptable viewpoint and belief?

Signal Names (lemmy.ca)
submitted 2 months ago by uzi@lemmy.ca to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Now that we can create and delete usernames at will, do people have any concerns about giving people they meet their Signal ID? I have no fears of it. In fact, my Signal is oozic.35 if anyone wanta to message me.

First Shot (lemmy.ca)
submitted 2 months ago by uzi@lemmy.ca to c/britishcolumbia@lemmy.ca

Is everybody still a strong supporter for anyone getting their first covid vaccine that they should should still get their first vaccine shot if never had a vaccine?

Disagreaements (lemmy.ca)
submitted 3 months ago by uzi@lemmy.ca to c/vancouver@lemmy.ca

Why does it seem that people actively avoid expressing disaagreements on what somone says when they are out somewhere having a conversation? Why arwe people more concerned about trying to sound nice rather than being honest? It's not provactive or antagonizing to simply say "I can't agree with you on that, I disagree." I suspect that if someone articulates the reasoning behind their disagreement, a lot of people would not be bothered by it, unless someone wants everybody to believe the same things and are easily disturbed by contrary points of views.

submitted 4 months ago by uzi@lemmy.ca to c/simplex@lemmy.ml

Does anyone know why every release is not available through F-Droid? For example F-Droid has version 5.5.2 and the latest stable is 5.5.5. In the buildlog it looks like F-Droid gets the soirce code for every release. It assume it is not successfully compiled in order for it to never end up being released.

submitted 4 months ago by uzi@lemmy.ca to c/britishcolumbia@lemmy.ca

Remember kids, geographical grammer is offensive.

submitted 5 months ago by uzi@lemmy.ca to c/conservative@lemm.ee

"The use of this powerful law was unauthorized because the legal threshold to use the law was not met."

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