Ahhh, A fellow nothing enjoyer. Cheers!
If you left chrome thinking brave is not google, both are from companies made for profit. Both are based on chromium. You left one ad company for another.
Talk to therapists and find a hobby. Do whatever you want. If you think something is meaningless but you like doing it. Do it. Try to live a life that bothers others the least. Help others if they ask for help.
Hey with questions like this even the therapists need therapists.
I don't know who told you this but there has never been any point to anything.
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1.mosquito net for doors and windows - ultimate solution
2.mosquito badminton. - great for few of them, you can just zap them with it.
Which category do tea and coffee fall into?
call me a deviant
but some of them made me laugh, so I guess i like stale meme.
what is the first one?