Hello! In qalc I can do calculations using measuring units like this:

> 5 W * 3 s

  (5 watts) × (3 seconds) = 15 J

I'd like to be able to do something similar also in GNU Octave. I think the symbolic library could be a place to look at, but I found nothing "already done". Do any of you know of a way to achieve this functionality?

[-] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 73 points 1 month ago

It's funny: if the telemetry is opt-in, I'll opt in, if it's opt-out, I'll opt out

[-] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 91 points 1 month ago

Is there some lore about this I don't know?

[-] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 52 points 2 months ago

An old, ugly bike and a good bike lock. No one will ever steal it and can bring you wherever you want without the fear of leaving it in the wrong spot

[-] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 169 points 3 months ago

I always see "this doesn't work, why?" posts, it's the first time I see a "this works, why?" post XD

[-] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 55 points 3 months ago

Go to settings to activate KDE


Hello! I'll try to explain what I'm looking for: I sometimes have to write simple web pages (not just text, also buttons and video players and so on), but I really really hate writing html code. What I'm used to is QML, which I like a lot, because of the ease of placing objects exactly where I need using the anchors and the Layout objects. What I'm looking for is a language or something with a similar syntax, that can then be "built" to plain HTML/CSS/JS. Is there something like this? I know I can compile Qt/QML for webassembly, but I'm having huge amounts of problems, and also I'd like to have the possibility to have a plain HTML result, not necessary bind to the server side.

thanks in advance!!

Anyone selfhosting RSSHub? (lemmy.kde.social)

Hello! I'd like to follow some niche meme pages on instagram with my RSS reader app (feeder), and found out about RSSHub that seems exactly what I need. However, I tried using some of the public instances and except for the first time after requesting an RSS feed, it got rate limited and completely blocked. Does self hosting it solve the problem? Is any of you using it reliably?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hello! Today I learned about the existence of LibreY, and the project seems very interesting. I was wondering, how does it compare with SearXNG? which one is easier to self host, and which one is lighter on resource usage? Which one gets rate-limited less? I'm particolary interested in opinions of people who used both

Thanks in advance!


Hello fellow pirates! I'm tired of having all the telegram premium ads and antifeatures in the client and I'm looking for a client that removed them even if it's against the TOS. Any tips? I'd rather use an actual open source fork than a cracked version of the original

I'm looking for both Android and Desktop (Linux)

What I want is to remove the hateful ads in the channels and the "buy premium to unlock these emojis", and also to be able to arrange the folders in whatever order I like, without being forced to keep the "All messages" as first

thanks in advance!

submitted 3 months ago by tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social to c/foss@beehaw.org

Hello! I just came across Presearch, and it looks very interesting to me. If I understand correctly, at the moment it's just another metasearch engine, but they say they're planning to add their own index. How would a distributed search engine index work? Opinions on this?

[-] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 96 points 3 months ago

That dubbed audio tracks of movies could be downloaded separatey and easily merged in the audio, in a way similar to subtitles. This way, the audio track in non English languages would be downloaded very quickly, even with just one seeder, and the whole movie in original language has way more seeders than dubbed ones.


Hello! I know this is probably not piracy, but I think that this community is the best one to ask this. I'd like to stream live TV on my jellyfin server, and in the future perhaps try to implement a way to silence the audio during ads, but I want to start a step at a time: Before going in jellyfin, let's try with VLC that is easier. The live stream I'm trying to stream is taken from raiplay, the official website of RAI, the main italian tv station. I ignorantly just downloaded all the 4 .m3u8 files with this extension and, one at a time, I tried to open them with VLC, but all I obtained was VLC loading forever. What's going on? did I missed something important?

[if you know of better ways to do this, any recommendation is welcome!]

thanks in advance!

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hello everybody! I just learned that I can get a free .eu.org domain, but I'm not sure I understand the domain creation process. Any of you has one?

I'm unsure what should I write in the "name server" section:


Hate when it happens (lemmy.kde.social)

Hello! I'm trying to sign up to itatorrent.xyz but after typing username, mail and password, I get a "capcha error". Do any of you managed to sign up?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social to c/foss@beehaw.org

Hello! I'm still not satisfied with my note taking app. I tried dozen of them, read tons of lists on random blogs on the internet, without any success. I'll try to ask you then.

I'm looking for a note taking app with just this 3 features:

  • richtext/WYSIWYG (i don't want to write plain text and then press a button to see it rendered)
  • it has to support CHECKBOXES! Most of the apps I tried does not support them, or supported them only if all the note was a checklist. I don't want a checklist, I want a note where I can put some checkbox inside!
  • FOSS and active

The one I'm currently using is obsidian, but it's not FOSS and it feels very overcomplicated for a simple note apps.

Any suggestion is welcome!

EDIT: forgot to mention, I'm talking about Android XD

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hello fellow selfhosters! I reformatted my USB hard drive from exFAT to XFS because I needed a filesystem that could handle hardlinks. I remounted the hard drive and now jellyfin webUI has a severe stuttering problem on some videos, all of them are MKV but it may be a coincidence. On android (using exoplayer) the same files works smoothly. what could be the problem?
in the logs I get a bunch of Slow HTTP Response from http://fedoraserver:8096/ to in 0:00:07.4635856 with Status Code 200

OT: while looking at the logs this happened

SOLUTION: I enabled hardware acceleration, and manually selected also the HEVC and Allow encoding in HEVC format settings, and now the stutter disappeared! thanks to everyone for your help!!!

[-] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 76 points 4 months ago

Spy on users

[-] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 71 points 6 months ago

OpenBoard's developing is being carried on by one of the original developers: https://github.com/Helium314/openboard

It allows to include an external swipe-type library (proprietary, from Gboard) in case you need it, and it works really well. The only problem is that currently it's only available on github, so you can only update manually or with obtainium

[-] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 70 points 7 months ago

Forbidden shrimp

[-] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 84 points 8 months ago

It took me a while to understand it's not yet another Twitter meme

[-] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 178 points 9 months ago

It would be cool if crossposted posts would have like a common comment thread or something like this: a crosspost does not copy the post to another community, it creates a "softlink" to the original post. This way, everything done to any of the crossposted post (vote, comment, mark as viewed) would be also applied to other crossposted posts. This way, we would only see a single post instead of 15 posts, and we wouldn't miss any comment from any of the communities it is crossposted. Obviously, users may wish to just copy the post to another community. What do you think about this? Should we open an issue on github about this?

[-] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 54 points 10 months ago

Damn I'm deprecated

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