[-] trollbearpig@lemmy.world 20 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Nah, we don't do both. Carbon capture projects are bullshit for the most part, see https://time.com/6264772/study-most-carbon-credits-are-bogus/ for example. Some are actually generating more carbon, not less overall. Instead, companies have been using this as a way to "buy" their target metrics, except they are buying offsets that don't really exist. And they use this to market their products as green/net zero products, which incentivizes even more consumption.

So overall this whole thing is most likely a net negative, as in we would be better without them. And honestly is not surprising at all, technology is not magic. It's just people want perfect solutions so we don't have to do anything and the problem goes away, so they keep falling for this bullshit. Case in point, your comment lol.

[-] trollbearpig@lemmy.world 17 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I'm so sick of people like you. "Oh, they may be right but they were a bit rude. So I'm going to pretend that they are wrong". Go fuck yourself if you have nothing useful to contribute. This is just a tactic trolls use in the internet to distract people, and people keep falling for it.

Plus if you actually read the article you would know that they are referencing an academic definition of bullshit. So go fuck yourself twice, you didn't even bother to read before declaring your incredible moral superiority. You are just a clown.

[-] trollbearpig@lemmy.world 21 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Oh, so you guys get to vote for politicians that keep fucking our countries over. And you guys can go online to repeat your stupid propaganda. But it doesn't matter because I wasn't 100% polite. wtf is wrong with you people?

[-] trollbearpig@lemmy.world 16 points 3 months ago

Where did I say that? Nice strawman dude. I gave specific examples of USA intervening in latin america. If you disagree about any of the examples we can discuss them. But please don't put words in my mouth.

[-] trollbearpig@lemmy.world 28 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Jesus christ, what a stupid take lol. Just recently they tried to put Guaido in charge in Venezuela (who had support from Colombian paramilitary groups too). And let's not forget how they took Evo down in Bolivia a few years ago over voting fraud allegations, which later turned out to be just statistical analysis mistakes. And they put that awful woman in charge who commited at least 2 massacres against protesters after taking power. And they are backing Milei and Bukele in Argentina and Salvador. And they are punishing Colombia financially for daring to pick Petro as president. And ...

Don't get me wrong, fuck Evo and Maduro for trying to stay in power forever. And Maduro for sure is a left wing dictator. But go fuck yourself with that propaganda, the USA can't stop fucking with us latin americans. Educate yourself before talking.

[-] trollbearpig@lemmy.world 25 points 3 months ago

That was always the point. Rich people get to have abortions and live consequences free lifes, while poor people have to raise kids/workers to keep the machine well oiled. I'm so glad I'm not from the USA hahaha.

[-] trollbearpig@lemmy.world 20 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Nah dude. TPMs have always been about implementing DRMs. These companies hate that they can't control our PCs, they want to be sure we can only run their approved apps. Like it works in iOS and (to a lesser degree for now) in Android. And even there they are pushing hard for even more restrictive DRM.

For example, some years ago I worked with a SaaS that implemented and sold some security products. One of our customers was a big retailer (for specialized products, not going into more details to avoid doxxing) that was having a problem with scalpers buying all their inventory as soon as they released it. So they were trying to put a show for regulators about stopping scalpers because their customers were complaining. We suggested that the only real solution was to have some real life verification of purchases. But in the end they went with the awful attestation APIs offered by Apple and Google to "fix" this. And in case you are not familiar, these APIs are just TPM based DRMs. So now, if you have a rooted/jailbroken phone you can't even buy with this retailer anymore.

Note that this company wasn't trying to fuck customers directly, they were just lazy and incentivised to not really fix the problem (a sale is a sale, even if to a scalper). But even then the end result is that their customers got their digital freedom rights restricted. It's just a terrible technology IMO, the incentives from companies are all terrible. And that's before we start considering the real intentions of awful companies like Microsoft, Apple and Google. IMO they are actually pushing for techno feudalism, but that's my conspiracy theory hahaha.

So no, I doubt they were thinking about security with this recall bullshit. As other people have explained in their comments it doesn't really protect much in practice. Plus this whole AI push has just been a stupid scramble from these companies to grab a big piece of the stupid AI pie from other companies hahaha, there is no long term plan here, don't lie to yourself and us.

[-] trollbearpig@lemmy.world 28 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I'm not sure man. You make it sound like crazy conspiracy theories, and they are to some extent. But Monsanto has absolutely sued people for planting their genetically modified seeds, for example https://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/14/business/monsanto-victorious-in-genetic-seed-case.html.

I agree with you (and other posters) that Greenpeace is overblowing the dangers of GMO (though I'm not an expert, not even close, so take this as the uneducated opinion it is). But I still think it's good they blocked them in this case. To me it's a fact that these companies will try to use these new crops to exploit the farmers. Because that's literally the business model of Monsanto and all these fucking companies. And long term that's worse for the food security of the people in third world countries, no matter what neo liberals say.

[-] trollbearpig@lemmy.world 17 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I looove how the people at Google are so dumb that they forgot that anything resembling real intelligence in ChatGPT is just cheap labor in Africa (Kenya if I remember correctly) picking good training data. So OpenAI, using an army of smart humans and lots of data built a computer program that sometimes looks smart hahaha.

But the dumbasses in Google really drank the cool aid hahaha. They really believed that LLMs are magically smart so they feed it reddit garbage unfiltered hahahaha. Just from a PR perspective it must be a nigthmare for them, I really can't understand what they were thinking here hahaha, is so pathetically dumb. Just goes to show that money can't buy intelligence I guess.

[-] trollbearpig@lemmy.world 15 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Sorry, but no man. Or rather, what evidence do you have that LLMs are anything like a human brain? Just because we call them neural networks doesn't mean they are networks of neurons ... You are faling to the same fallacy as the people who argue that nazis were socialists, or if someone claimed that north korea was a democratic country.

Perceptrons are not neurons. Activation functions are not the same as the action potential of real neurons. LLMs don't have anything resembling neuroplasticity. And it shows, the only way to have a conversation with LLMs is to provide them the full conversation as context because the things don't have anything resembling memory.

As I said in another comment, you can always say "you can't prove LLMs don't think". And sure, I can't prove a negative. But come on man, you are the ones making wild claims like "LLMs are just like brains", you are the ones that need to provide proof of such wild claims. And the fact that this is complex technology is not an argument.

[-] trollbearpig@lemmy.world 21 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Man, I hate this semantics arguments hahaha. I mean yeah, if we define AI as anything remotely intelligent done by a computer sure, then it's AI. But then so is an if in code. I think the part you are missing is that terms like AI have a definition in the collective mind, specially for non tech people. And companies using them are using them on purpose to confuse people (just like Tesla's self driving funnily enough hahaha).

These companies are now trying to say to the rest of society "no, it's not us that are lying. Is you people who are dumb and don' understand the difference between AI and AGI". But they don't get to define what words mean to the rest of us just to suit their marketing campagins. Plus clearly they are doing this to imply that their dumb AIs will someday become AGIs, which is nonsense.

I know you are not pushing these ideas, at least not in the comment I'm replying. But you are helping these corporations push their agenda, even if by accident, everytime you fall into these semantic games hahaha. I mean, ask yourself. What did the person you answered to gained by being told that? Do they understand "AIs" better or anything like that? Because with all due respect, to me you are just being nitpicky to dismiss valid critisisms to this technology.

[-] trollbearpig@lemmy.world 31 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Man, can you people stop with this BS. One thing is if the photos where recovered from the local storage using some "forensics" to retrieve files from the free sectors in the hard drive. But that's not what is going on here. These photos are comming back from iCloud after apple pinky sweared they had deleted them. The conclusion here is that apple is keeping your photos (and most likely all your data) in their cloud even after you explicitly tell them to delete them.

I can't believe people with "tech literacy" are just repeating apple's excuse like gosspel and then lecturing other people ...

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