[-] trashgirlfriend@lemmy.world 3 points 8 hours ago

Solarpunk is pretty explicitly political as a kind of antithesis to the cyberpunk future.

[-] trashgirlfriend@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

Linear algebra? What about liminal algebra

[-] trashgirlfriend@lemmy.world 12 points 5 days ago

They have your address

[-] trashgirlfriend@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

It can be a bit harder to detect if you don't know the right lingo and dogwhistles.

They're more commonly known nowadays but you still have to be pretty online to really know.

[-] trashgirlfriend@lemmy.world 13 points 5 days ago

I think the point is that if you try to show them the "armband" such as "hey here's this guy literally saying the jews should be eradicated" they refuse to look

[-] trashgirlfriend@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago


Did you mean the one where the joke is that people who wear glasses can't see very well without them?

[-] trashgirlfriend@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago


The joke is that people (or more likely kids) usually don't want glasses until they get them and can now see.

I have no idea how you even got to your conclusion!

[-] trashgirlfriend@lemmy.world 93 points 4 months ago

The thousands of people making those records sell and shows happen:

There is no self made billionaire, a billion is an absurd amount of wealth a singular person cannot actually earn or be worth.

[-] trashgirlfriend@lemmy.world 59 points 4 months ago

This would be true if bottoms weren't inept little babies that need mommy to do everything for them

[-] trashgirlfriend@lemmy.world 68 points 8 months ago

Yeah it's almost like Israel has been sabotaging all peace talks for decades.

The only side in this conflict that could have ended it was Israel, back when Palestine was not controlled by Hamas, but they instead chose to destroy any chance at that.

And then they of course continued to blockade Gaza, starve people, block their access to water, continue illegal settlements, and so on.

Israel is a genocidal fascist state.

[-] trashgirlfriend@lemmy.world 65 points 9 months ago

The move from absolute monarchies ruled by kings and aristocrats to democracies made the power distribution more equal across classes.

What is needed in a new system is another step in this direction.

The biggest problem and driver of inequality in the current system is that while we have democratic control of government, the control of business is still largely autocratic.

Work and business is a huge part of our lives and making sure that the companies work for workers and consumers and not owners and investors is the next major systemic change that should be sought out.


Hey, sorry if this is a bit too broad of a question but I recently got together a build.(link)

There was a warning that there might be space issues with GPU/Cooler on pcpartpicker.

Just wondering if there's anywhere I can check for sure if this is a concern before I buy any parts.

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