[-] topperharlie@lemmy.world 20 points 1 month ago

When you see in movies that the bad guy is bold AF and kills indiscriminately yet no-one seems to be doing nothing you think: meh, that is so unrealistic

yet here we are...

we just need a real life Liam Neeson that would kill all the bosses of Boeing, given that law is useless against the rich and powerful.

[-] topperharlie@lemmy.world 37 points 3 months ago

I know we happen to be a minority, but given how much valve has done for linux gaming, I'm happy to vote and support them with my wallet.

For reference, before they started giving a good linux experience I didn't buy games for more than 15 years, so is not like the game developers were going to get 100% of the money I'm paying for games now, the choice is to get 70% or nothing because I wouldn't play their games. Not only that, if the proton compatibility layer fails, I'm very confident that steam's refund policy has my back, again, without this policy I wouldn't buy games.

Remember, not everyone is you, and not everyone plays games the way you do.

[-] topperharlie@lemmy.world 140 points 4 months ago

honestly, it has the word AI somewhere in their last year activities, even if they don't do it themselves.

Investors are dumb as fuck, they know nothing about anything other than keywords and hype trains, so with the AI keyword they might go crazy on this.

I keep saying it, the stock market is a mistake for humanity, it doesn't make sense to put a gambling house in the core of the world economy.

[-] topperharlie@lemmy.world 22 points 4 months ago

there is a risk of pressing "stop" instead of snooze or not hearing the alarm at all, I'm with OP on this one, I tend to go 2 or 3 depending on how tired I am, but never 1 xD

[-] topperharlie@lemmy.world 55 points 4 months ago

I use xfce, I have nvidia card, I sometimes capture a video of my screen and I regularly share my screen. Didn't even try.

I'll use Xorg until its deprecated or Wayland offers me some benefit other than "is new and shiny and the internet told me is cool"

I also became a bit sceptical about it with so many open source projects and basic functionality not supporting it yet after sooo many years of "Wayland is here"... so yeah, I'll wait until someone gets xorg from my dead cold hands 😁

also I don't get how aggressive people get about what other people have in their desktop, dude let me live my linux life alone 🤷‍♂️

[-] topperharlie@lemmy.world 43 points 5 months ago

One that I can remember many years ago, classic trying to do something on a flash drive and dd my main hdd instead.

Funny thing, since this was a 5400rpm and noticed relatively quick (say 1-2 minutes), I could ctrl-c the dd, make a backup of most of my personal files (being very careful not to reboot) and after that I could safely reformat and reinstall.

To this day it amazes me how linux managed to not crash with a half broken root file system (I mean, sure, things were crashing right and left, but given the situation, having enough to back up most things was like magic)

[-] topperharlie@lemmy.world 166 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

what about stop gatekeeping stuff and profiling people in very limited groups?

I'm a "cis dude" who has many times dressed up with feminine costumes, I also have lots of gay friends, I like jazz dancing, love going to see a good ballet, have gone to pride parades as an ally, called out homophobic comments in casual conversations... but guess what? I think some costumes are beautiful and I don't want to limit myself to the ones in one gender.

I wouldn't mind being approached with transition information, I would politely explain that is not for me, but I don't like the tone of the meme assuming that if you cross dress for Halloween you are either a trans person or a "bro" that wants to hurt LGBTQ+ people.

I'm going to go wild and assume that is American, which always is "all or nothing" for them, and everything is a fight. Sometimes people just want to have fun. Leave us the fuck alone with all these rules of what is appropriate and what is not and gatekeeping everything. The American left DEI mentality is anything but inclusive, and is very confrontational to the point of working against what it is suppose to defend. You sound like the catholics of the 19th century (or the right winger catholic freaks of America that I see on TV)

my 2 cents. sincerely, an European left winger

[-] topperharlie@lemmy.world 34 points 10 months ago

hmmm... I'm pretty sure I've been around since before YouTube started and don't have any idea, so I still think is the case.

I think people tend to not understand how big internet is, even back then. This makes it difficult to know which memes really made it all the way to become THAT popular (and even those are not know by everyone, some people just don't follow memes)

[-] topperharlie@lemmy.world 156 points 10 months ago

The internet is wild, people spend most of their time in small echo chambers and they think that is the whole internet.

[-] topperharlie@lemmy.world 108 points 10 months ago

The stylisation works so well on my mind that it took me a bigger while than you think to figure out what the meme was about xD

[-] topperharlie@lemmy.world 31 points 10 months ago

RIP ☹️

what an amazing editor he developed on top of vi, he'll be remembered

[-] topperharlie@lemmy.world 22 points 11 months ago

honestly, I can see this only affecting the little guy like always, big stars probably can afford to lawyer up and earn money for the AI usage of their image. Not to mention that adding extras in the background is many times easier to get away with rather than the main character

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