That's really interesting. Are the people/entities who own individual servers (or even certain servers) known to the general public? I love the idea of social media not being centralized in the hands of billionaires, but I worry about trusting all of the same information to someone whose identity I don't know at all. Flip a coin, they're probably Russian or Chinese.
Basically I'm just asking about how/why we trust the owners of these servers. I still have a lot to learn about this technology.
Yup. If we don't de-throne establishment leaders in 2026 I'm afraid that this is the way we are going to go. And as a CA I've mostly been alright with Newsom's government, but he is absolutely not the guy for this moment in time in terms of the presidency.
Insert shameless plug for Saikat Chakrabarti, former AOC campaign manager and Chief of Staff who is running against Nancy Pelosi in the 2026 election. For those looking for a way to make a difference, supporting this guy's bid and making him famous is a good, tangible way to do it.
We need more AOCs and fewer Pelosis.
That's not quite right. Russia is not conservative in the American sense of the term, although they are far right in terms of authoritarian rule. They're an oligarchy. But their 10-year psy-op against American conservatives has been incredibly successful. They are up to their eyeballs in Russian conditioning and behavioral modification.
It's actually incredibly impressive. Turns out that Russia won the Cold War, and their greatest former adversaries (American conservatives) ended up being the United States' weakest link at the end of the game. Endlessly fascinating stuff.