[-] the_crotch@sh.itjust.works 7 points 29 minutes ago

Yeah there's still a few doctors without borders hospitals he hasn't bombed yet.

[-] the_crotch@sh.itjust.works 2 points 3 hours ago

And "ring around the collar"

[-] the_crotch@sh.itjust.works 3 points 3 hours ago

His corpse would be surrounded by intelligent and decent people

Kamala Harris is neither of those things

[-] the_crotch@sh.itjust.works 2 points 4 hours ago

since at least they didn’t let some filthy FDR-type

FDR threw 200,000 Americans into concentration camps. Even trump never did anything that dark. He was a tyrannical piece of shit and really shouldn't be your metric for progressive politician.

[-] the_crotch@sh.itjust.works 0 points 4 hours ago

Another geriatric

[-] the_crotch@sh.itjust.works 7 points 4 hours ago

I think we all just watched Biden have a major medical issue

[-] the_crotch@sh.itjust.works 2 points 16 hours ago

Many people don't have anywhere near 2 months rent in savings.

[-] the_crotch@sh.itjust.works 3 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

Bush was far more destructive than trump. Losing roe v wade sucks but it's small potatoes compared to losing big portions of the 4th and 5th amendments to the patriot act. Not to mention the tens of thousands he killed in Iraq and afghanistan

[-] the_crotch@sh.itjust.works -2 points 1 day ago

I got 2 stimulus checks for $1200. I didn't even have to ask, they just showed up. Did you not get those?

[-] the_crotch@sh.itjust.works 12 points 1 day ago

This is from the Jerusalem Post

[-] the_crotch@sh.itjust.works 1 points 1 day ago

Have you read the pincipia discordia?

[-] the_crotch@sh.itjust.works 3 points 3 days ago

Good. It's a flawed system that did damage to someone's home and almost killed their kid.

Warrantrule (sh.itjust.works)
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