[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 5 points 19 hours ago

This is getting more common. Whatever dev accepted that when sizing the story should hang their head in shame. “No, you don’t size for a poor solution, you size for a good solution and let the PMs chip at the things they understand, keeping some things sacrosanct”.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 11 points 19 hours ago

I’m forced to use Chrome quite a bit (workplace silliness) and exclusively use Firefox at home. I seriously cannot see this edge that you claim Chrome has. Do you mean in loading speed? Scrolling speed?

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 1 points 21 hours ago

100% cigarette reversed into a cupped hand.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 1 points 1 day ago

For me, it would be Heat. It was released before people really had the internet, so I had no idea about the movie and just wandered past an afternoon showing with a friend, thinking well why not, let’s give it a shot.

Came out wanting to immediately see it again.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 3 points 1 day ago

Harmonies is pretty and very very inviting for non-gamers.

Small World always stood out to me as a game with lots of style and identity.

Glory to Rome, in the crazy, all-in reprint they did still to me is an absolute highlight of art and theme. So pretty.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 7 points 1 day ago

They aren’t “solving it”, yet. They’re desperate to do something to wake up the stock and for investors to have some, any belief in the future of the business.

Whether they’re actually solving anything remains to be seen.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 1 points 1 day ago

Not really. It checks your location when you authenticate. It doesn’t store the location.

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 4 points 2 days ago

But MS Authenticator isn’t a normal 6-digit Authenticator; it scans your Face ID (or finger print) and in many cases (like my work) it can be support password less accounts (relying only on something you have and something you are).

And in regard to your point that you don’t want to install apps you don’t need, it sounds like you do in fact need this app.


[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 4 points 2 days ago

Ok, but most workplaces require some form of apps installed for access, shared documents etc.

How many would install Figma, Office, Expensify, Jira, Confluence or a whole other raft of work apps if it wasn’t for work?

I mean, sure, it’s annoying but is MS Authenticator really the hill people want to die on?

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 4 points 3 days ago

What is your concern about installing MS Authenticator.

I mean I can understand the principle of being forced to install anything on your phone.

But just stepping into the practical for a second: What do you worry will happen by installing this app to your phone?

[-] sunbeam60@lemmy.one 30 points 5 days ago

Same as asparagus wee. Man, when anyone has eaten asparagus I can smell it before I enter the door to the bathroom. When I have eaten it myself, I’m partly horrified and partly morbidly fascinated. What the fuck is up with only some people being able to smell it.

submitted 10 months ago by sunbeam60@lemmy.one to c/rpg@lemmy.ml
submitted 11 months ago by sunbeam60@lemmy.one to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I’d love it if client-side processing could collapse these posts into one.

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