[-] strawberry@kbin.run 6 points 2 hours ago

I was gonna watch the whole thing but like 30 minutes in I realized it was justvoje lying bastard and a guy who didnt know what he was saying

[-] strawberry@kbin.run 2 points 3 days ago

o ty skurwysynu

[-] strawberry@kbin.run 1 points 3 days ago

pretty sure it will tag it as ai even if you just use something like generative fill to remove a blemish

its been done for years without ai, ai just makes it quicker, better, and easier

and sit there until the shot is perfect? sure you can do that with the pyramids, cand do that in the streets. or maybe you're shooting a car and you dont notice a minor imperfection in the paint. what, you want them to just trash the whole set of pics?

submitted 3 days ago by strawberry@kbin.run to c/foss@beehaw.org

I was planning a trip recently, so what I did was save all the places I wanted to go to into a list, and Maps would put a little pin there, and then I could use that to see what was close to one another (I'll add a screenshot later)

I dont think osm has a feature like that

while were here, what do you all use in mobile?

[-] strawberry@kbin.run 2 points 5 days ago

dont wanna do any config. this is something I'm willing to ignore privacy for, just would be nice if I didn't have to

submitted 5 days ago by strawberry@kbin.run to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Our garage flooded last night (not the first time) and so I want to install some water sensors in the garage and basement. There's dumb ones that look similar to a smoke detector, but all they do is make noise, which I'm willing to bet I won't hear since I can barely hear the smoke detector in the kitchen when I'm upstairs. thats why I want a smart system so it rings an alarm on my phone as well, though if there was something with like a repeater I could install upstairs that would work too. thanks all

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by strawberry@kbin.run to c/music@lemmy.world

If I just look up "what genre is _____" it'll be very broad like "edm" or "pop" but I'd like to know if this is house or techno or d&b etc so I can start narrowing down my tastes

thanks guys

edit: Rate Your Music seems to be what I was looking for

submitted 1 month ago by strawberry@kbin.run to c/edc@sopuli.xyz

With the Milwaukee, you hold a button and flick your wrist to open/ close it. makes it easy to use with one hand. any knives with a regular blade that do this? thanks


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by strawberry@kbin.run to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

~~I'm gonna be paying for Proton Unlimited soon, which gives me unlimited email aliases through Proton Pass. Currently, however, I use Bitwarden and a SimpleLogin API key to generate aliases. Does paying for Proton give me unlimited aliases through SimpleLogin since SL is owned by Proton?~~

So if I learned to fucking read it says that Proton Unlimited includes a SL Premium subscription with unlimited aliases

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by strawberry@kbin.run to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I'm (probably) switching to Proton Pass from Bitwarden because its easier to create email aliases (all in one instead of making an alias with SimpleLogin, then copying that to Bitwarden and making a password there) but I've heard people saying not to use Proton Pass to not "put all your eggs in one basket". Can someone explain what this means?

Thought if there is a way to generate those aliases within Bitwarden (using Proton's alias not SimpleLogin's as I'm going to be paying for Proton Unlimited anyways, I don't wanna pay for SimpleLogin too) I'd appreciate it, as I prefer Bitwarden.

Thank you all :)

EDIT: I understand now. TL:DR: If one service dies you still have the other. Either way, turns out I can just grab my API Key from SimpleLogin and use it with Bitwarden, as thats what Proton uses anyways. Also the Proton Pass extension just shit itsself and I'm not a fan of Proton's UI so I will be sticking with Bitwarden.

[-] strawberry@kbin.run 95 points 2 months ago

fuck is that supposed to cover? half a coochie lol. one misstep and the cats out of the bag lol

[-] strawberry@kbin.run 52 points 2 months ago

lmao I love when they say "we care about your privacy" then they go on to say exactly how much data they're gonna collect and process

[-] strawberry@kbin.run 47 points 3 months ago

recommending a mechanical hard drive in 2024 is crazy

[-] strawberry@kbin.run 74 points 3 months ago

yay mutually assured destruction!

[-] strawberry@kbin.run 63 points 3 months ago

lots of them dont, but the kids still definetly do

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by strawberry@kbin.run to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

not sure if this is the right magazine, but I couldn't find a libre office one

one of these endnotes is a different size for some odd reason. any ideas?


[-] strawberry@kbin.run 165 points 3 months ago

conversations that definetly happened

[-] strawberry@kbin.run 62 points 3 months ago

I could have gone my whole life not seekng that

submitted 3 months ago by strawberry@kbin.run to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

google gboard was able to autocorrect both o my languages without me needing to switch the language. wondering if there's a keyboard that's open source and can do the same. on open board rn

submitted 4 months ago by strawberry@kbin.run to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I just switched from ubo to adnaseam, and I'm wondering who's wallet is getting hurt by those ads "I" click? the ad company? does the site then make money? if the sites make money, can I choose where I click? I'd like to not give sites I don't agree with anything, but certain news sited I would

thanks :)

[-] strawberry@kbin.run 225 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The Federated Learning of Cohorts and now the Topics API are part of a plan to pitch an "alternative" tracking platform, and Google argues that there has to be a tracking alternative—you can't just not be spied on.

lmao what the fuck kind of dystopia are we living in

submitted 4 months ago by strawberry@kbin.run to c/AskKbin@kbin.social

Realistically, that bear should have died pretty quick from the amount of coke it ingested right? Didn't the real one die in a few minutes?

submitted 4 months ago by strawberry@kbin.run to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Im on a Dell G5 15 laptop with a 1660ti. I set my built in monitor to 125%, and that looks fine, but for some reason my second monitor seems to be zoomed in a bunch, even though that is still at 100% I kinda need my laptop screen zoomed in since its so small, any advice? Pop!_OS LTS, dont remember version, but says "most recent"

submitted 4 months ago by strawberry@kbin.run to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Running latest Pop!_OS on a Dell G5 5590 (i7 9th gen, 16Gb RAM, 1660ti mobile). Occasionally, I'll get a tear in the screen going from bot. left to up. right corner. I'm on latest driver as far as I can tell (Pop!_Shop shows both 470.199.02 and 545.29.06 as installed) any ideas? Tearing only happens on second monitor, not built in. It's some generic office monitor plugged in with HDMI (though I can't attest to the cables quality). I could use DP if that would help, but I dont want to spend money rn.

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