[-] stown@sedd.it 86 points 4 months ago

This guy should be hanging from the gallows as a public example.

[-] stown@sedd.it 312 points 4 months ago

Another instance of inciting insurrection.

[-] stown@sedd.it 27 points 4 months ago

I guess we can make some assumptions about the school board members and funding sources.

[-] stown@sedd.it 29 points 4 months ago

Automated money laundering.

[-] stown@sedd.it 34 points 5 months ago

Another fine example of police officers hard at work. Only the best and brightest.

XMPP Server? (sedd.it)
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by stown@sedd.it to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

I'm looking to try self-hosting an XMPP server for my family to use as a secure communication platform. I realize that end2end encryption with XMPP doesn't seem as strong as something like Matrix but my self-hosted Matrix server has been very unreliable.

I'm looking for recommendations and resources. I'v considered running Prosody and Openfire but both of them look like a pretty involved installation process with plenty of room to fuck up. Does anyone know of something similar to matrix-ansible-install for an XMPP server? Should I be looking at something besides Prosody or Openfire?

Please, no YouTube tutorials. I prefer written instructions.

[-] stown@sedd.it 57 points 6 months ago

It is hilarious to me how this guy thinks he is entitled to have advertisers on his platform. I don't understand why he thinks he can coerce them back with insults and claiming they will bankrupt his company. Why do they have any responsibility to save your rotten company? Delusional!

[-] stown@sedd.it 93 points 9 months ago

Let me tell you too.

But seriously, I'm sick of these stupid headlines. Write an article when you know the details not when you are speculating on them. There is nothing new here.

[-] stown@sedd.it 29 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

This doesn't even feel like an article - more like one long advertisement. The second paragraph of the article launches into a review of the "Erect Horse Penis - Concept LoRA"

[-] stown@sedd.it 26 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Just change it to Xitter . Pronounced shitter or exiter

submitted 10 months ago by stown@sedd.it to c/lemmy@lemmy.ml

Is there currently a way on Lemmy-ui to mark a post as "read" so that it no longer shows up in the feed? As the admin of my personal server I know I can remove the post but I'm looking for a solution that doesn't affect others on my instance. I see a setting for hiding read posts but I don't see a way to mark a post as being read.

[-] stown@sedd.it 26 points 10 months ago

Sweet Baby Ray's!

[-] stown@sedd.it 42 points 10 months ago

They are trying to create a "Safe and friendly place".

[-] stown@sedd.it 88 points 11 months ago

On Lemmy you can edit your post titles.

submitted 11 months ago by stown@sedd.it to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

If you are updating Lemmy to version 0.18.0 you may want to be aware of this bug that exists with site icons. It will break your site.

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