[-] stefenauris@pawb.social 1 points 6 days ago

I've noticed after updates I need to clear cache for that site on firefox, but beyond that the upgrades have been painless :D

[-] stefenauris@pawb.social 131 points 1 week ago

What's it called when you backport modern features to retro systems like this mockup? I swear there's a word for this...

[-] stefenauris@pawb.social 108 points 2 weeks ago

It's like all we heard about the PS5 was that it was super hard to get when it came out and then it kind of disappeared from our collective consciousness

[-] stefenauris@pawb.social 72 points 1 month ago

I'd pay to read a novel adventure written from the perspective of a dragon lol

[-] stefenauris@pawb.social 55 points 3 months ago

Of course threads would have higher download counts! By now everyone using X already has it installed while threads is a new service so you'd have to install the app to try it. What a brain dead article

[-] stefenauris@pawb.social 121 points 4 months ago

Makes sense because google certainly doesn't support their own shit lol


And that is that


"It's important to note that this study doesn't prove that cannabis directly causes these changes or causes health problems."

But it is interesting, if this is your wheelhouse


Because of the range of compounds found, the researchers say that they believe recycled plastics are unfit for most uses and that they don't contribute to a circular material lifecycle.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by stefenauris@pawb.social to c/furry_scientists@pawb.social

bacteriophages, sounds like something from Star Trek

[-] stefenauris@pawb.social 46 points 7 months ago

Poorly designed systems

[-] stefenauris@pawb.social 49 points 7 months ago

I translate this as "Qualcomm admits Bluetooth is a shitty mistake and its time to move on"


"We are not proposing a time travel machine, but rather a deep dive into the fundamentals of quantum mechanics”

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by stefenauris@pawb.social to c/furry_scientists@pawb.social


Okay since none of you seem to have a sense of humor evidently, the discovery is the inner core of the Moon is, in fact, a solid ball with a density similar to that of iron. This, researchers hope, will help settle a long debate about whether the Moon's inner heart is solid or molten, and lead to a more accurate understanding of the Moon's history – and, by extension, that of the Solar System.

[-] stefenauris@pawb.social 53 points 8 months ago

Why can't we cut military spending instead? It's definitely going to shitty contractors and not to veteran health care anyway

[-] stefenauris@pawb.social 77 points 10 months ago

Well there goes any compelling reason to buy their phones lol

[-] stefenauris@pawb.social 69 points 10 months ago

I don't understand why Adobe was allowed to survive as a company when Flash player had like 500 security vulnerabilities daily.

[-] stefenauris@pawb.social 75 points 10 months ago

It works perfectly fine if you use the closed source drivers..it just needs a few extra steps.

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