[-] slickgoat@lemmy.world 10 points 13 hours ago

What exactly is the risk when considering the very real danger the court is doing to the country? Tolerating intolerance will only take the country in one direction.

[-] slickgoat@lemmy.world 5 points 13 hours ago

They could be subpoenaed into a house select committee to undergo questioning explaining their actions . It would at least be a bold move and have them try and explain their reasoning to an equal institution under the republic?

There is no magic bullet, but you need to return some heat or else go under without a fight. It would also completely unhinge the conservative forces hell bent on a dictatorship.

[-] slickgoat@lemmy.world 3 points 22 hours ago

They cannot currently cancel state charges, but the GOP is trying to change that. It is one of a raft of measures underway. Some are truely frightening, such as using Red State National Guard troops against non-compliant Blue States. Check out Project 2025 - the Republicans are even trying to hide their planned dictatorship.

[-] slickgoat@lemmy.world 3 points 23 hours ago

Unfortunately they strongly signalled this move in the oral questioning bit. It was pretty much expected. Now bonking a porn star will become classed as an official act.

[-] slickgoat@lemmy.world 5 points 23 hours ago

There's move afoot by the GOP to get any state charges against the president to be elevated to the Federal court.

Guess who can pardon himself or have federal charges dropped?

[-] slickgoat@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

I hear what you are saying, and I agree with some of it, but not several key points. I have supported a couple of different parties and regularly hand out how to vote cards at different elections and have done so for decades. The idea that voters slavishly follow party advice couldn't be more wrong. One in two voters snub the cards outright, many rudely so. Contrary to popular opinion, on the day, the vast majority of voters know which box they are going to pick.

Secondly, your point about minor parties struggling in Australian elections. Well, so what? There is no constitutional imperative to either favour or disfavour small parties. Or large ones, for that matter. That you think that this is important is neither here nor there constitutionally. Myself, I think that it would be better if it were so, but no system should put its weight behind it. When the constitution was put into force in 1901, parties were not enshrined, candidates were.

[-] slickgoat@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

I don't necessarily think that the best system is the one that favours minor (or major) parties. The reason for the success, or otherwise, of minor parties involved a hundred variables.

The best electoral system makes the best value of a person's personal vote. That might be minor or major party candidate or even an independent.

[-] slickgoat@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago

Chill, mate. Go for a walk...

[-] slickgoat@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

I disagree. I too have been involved in elections in my country (Australia) and preferential voting system is pretty popular. As candidates get eliminated your vote keeps moving to your next choice. What could possibly be fairer?

[-] slickgoat@lemmy.world 11 points 3 days ago

If only that was an accurate summary of the flaming autopsy of a show.

I agree, better him than Trump, but let's not minimise Biden's interpretation of Monty Burns.

[-] slickgoat@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

I agree with everything but the comment on the moderators. It's not their job to hold the candidates to account, that's the job of the dude standing right next to the speaker. If a presidential candidate needs to rely upon a journalist to correct disinformation in a debate that he himself is participating in, they shouldn't be the candidate.

I'm a smooth-brained imbecile, but everytime that Trump opened his mouth I had 14 better responses than Biden had. He permitted the most outlandish untruths to go on the record unchecked. Biden would have done a better job by just replying "bulls*hit" in answer to Trump's ramblings. The moderators just ask questions. They are not supposed to prop either side up.

[-] slickgoat@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

The constitution is decided by the Supreme Court in the end. The American system of government makes the selection of justices political appointees for life. That is why you have Republican and Democrat justices. Political. So the constitution gets bent into any political shape according to power possession.

Don't for a second believe that the United States can't sleepwalk into a dictatorship. People are already describing Jan 6 as an ordinary tourist visit. What will it take for the public to see the danger with their own eyes.

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