Mhhh....I believe in the right tool for the right job. So there isn't really an ideal system, for instance, just the best system for what I'm trying to accomplish in a given game.
They don't have what we would recognize as an economy, but they do have resources and are on rare occasions willing to trade them with outsiders. (See: Voyager) I can imagine some particularly risk-inclined ferengi trying to strike a deal. Gives me a "goodlife" from Saberhagen's Beserkers kind of vibe.
Martok is such an ally icon
Oh god, it's time for a meme I made 2 years ago
Sometimes that can be fun, but only if everyone at the table is onboard for a wild tangent. If the other players are bored as shit while the special snowflake starts a unicorn breeding operation, it's time to use that No. And you, the DM, are included in that too; if your players want to drag you off to write every book in the library and that's not fun for you, you have the right to say "hey maybe you should play the game I made for you instead."
You decide that if an when the players make it a priority with their choices.
Addendum to the "Are you sure you want to do that" bullet: if a player ever does something that seems nonsensical to you, ask them what they expect to achieve by doing that. Understanding their motivation is often what resolves the miscommunication and/or allows you to steer them towards a better way to do what they're trying to do.
Wow, just learned I've been missing the aoo rule for 20 years.
You could have the same spell OR the Counterspell spell. The benefit of taking Counterspell was that it could work against anything.
Spot on about the action economy observation though.
I read once that the earliest edition(s?) didn't have Rogue as a separate class, that everyone would be searching for traps and such. And when Rogue was added with the explicit ability to detect traps, it caused a crises because suddenly that implied that no one else had that ability.
It's the cats you gotta worry about.
That's kind of important to the story though.
V starts off thinking she's dying and her mind is changing and she doesn't know how long she's got, and by the end she's learned that everyone is dying and everyone is changing all the time and no one knows how long they've got. The only real choice is whether you use the time you've got to live, or don't.