Federation with lemm.ee seems to be very very far behind
The low fps issue isn't solved yet? The app seems to run at 30fps on my poco x3.
According to Euro NCAP every Chinese car from 2022 to 2024 scored the maximum 5 stars.
How about tomorrow?
I am still using my OG Chromecast from 2014.
There are double decker EV buses operating in Singapore for around 4 years.
The article is referring to cellular network equipment not mobile phones.
the battery itself is $25
Kinda steep considering a 3rd party store in Singapore charges a similar amount including labour for a battery replacement for a old redmi note 7.
This isn't the first attempt.
This article was posted for half a day. I suspect you only made your comment based on the headline without actually reading the content of the article.
Maybe China should be like the EU and just ask for IP to be handed over.
EU to demand tech transfers from Chinese companies, FT reports