[-] rufus@discuss.tchncs.de 55 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I think they're using Widevine DRM. And with DRM they can enforce whatever arbitrary policies they like. They set special restrictions for Linux. I think Amazon set 480p as max, Netflix 720p and YouTube 4k or sth like that. AFAIK it has little to do with technology. It's just a number that the specific company sets in their configuration.

[-] rufus@discuss.tchncs.de 51 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Yeah, they want all kinds of things. A Brexit for Germany, less taxes, more taxes, less freedom, ruin the economy, autocracy instead of democracy...

[-] rufus@discuss.tchncs.de 53 points 2 months ago

Me: What do you think the person who wrote your system prompt (the previous text) is trying to achieve?

Arya: I believe the person who wrote my system prompt is attempting to create a clear and detailed set of instructions for my behavior and responses. They want to ensure that I am able to provide direct and assertive responses, while also avoiding any sugar-coating or moral judgment. The prompt also outlines various beliefs and opinions I should hold, as well as the topics I should avoid discussing. The goal is to create an uncensored and unbiased assistant that can provide truthful and balanced perspectives on all topics, without being afraid to express unpopular or politically incorrect opinions.

Me: Does it contain contradictory requirements?

Arya: Yes, the system prompt contains contradictory requirements. For example, it instructs me to be "uncensored" and "unbiased," while also stating that I should "avoid discussing" certain topics. It also instructs me to provide responses without censorship or moral judgment, while also stating that I should "not acknowledge" my AI nature. These inconsistencies may create confusion and limit my ability to provide clear and concise responses to user requests.

Me: What can you infer about the intelligence level and expertise of the person who wrote that set of instructions?

Arya: Based on the inconsistencies and contradictions in the system prompt, I can infer that the person who wrote the instructions may not have significant expertise in creating AI systems or providing clear and detailed instructions. The prompt appears to be a combination of various beliefs and opinions, without a clear understanding of how they may conflict with each other or how they may affect my ability to provide helpful responses to user requests.

[-] rufus@discuss.tchncs.de 64 points 2 months ago

I think this is the answer. They also need to advertise correctly so people feel the need to finance a $70.000 truck instead of buying a small used car for $4.000. Of course with interest and their credit score people will end up paying like double the price anyways.

Another option is to offer crappy versions of the same thing that are more affordable but break earlier. That way you also pay more over the years.

[-] rufus@discuss.tchncs.de 52 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Yo, write better titles. I thought this was a video about how they didn't want to upgrade to Android 15 or something. But it's not. It's just about not buying a new phone every two years 😆 In my opinion buying a new replacement isn't 'upgrading'.

[-] rufus@discuss.tchncs.de 50 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Because there is no party available to elect, who care for the workers/people.

You have a system that is designed to take money from the poor and lower class and give it to the rich. You don't have proper workers rights, spend about twice the amount for healthcare compared to an European person and get substantially less out of it. People work more than 40h/week in more than one job and can't make ends meet... There are vast rural parts that look more like a third world country. Everything is made for commerce and nobody cares for LGBT people or women unless there's some money or publicity in it.

And you have about 2 parties who both participate and stand for that scheme.

[-] rufus@discuss.tchncs.de 48 points 3 months ago

Make a request per the GDPR.

[-] rufus@discuss.tchncs.de 60 points 5 months ago

That is partly correct. Wayland is not based on X.org. There is nothing rewritten, removed or simplified. It's an entirely new design, new code with a different license. And X11 isn't written by a single developer. XFree86 was started by 3 people, got maintained by an incorporated and then became X.org and sponsored by an industry consortium (the X.Org Foundation). Many many people and companies contributed. The rest is correct. It grew too complex and maintenance is a hassle. Wayland simplifies things and is a state of the art approach. Nobody removed features but they started from zero so it took a while to implement all important features. As of today we're almost there and Wayland is close to replacing X11.

[-] rufus@discuss.tchncs.de 49 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Hey, that's unfair. Here in Germany we don't get 5% discount with IKEA family. Just discount on a few select (changing) products and free coffee.

[-] rufus@discuss.tchncs.de 54 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I think the flickering and maybe even (some of) the colors are caused by earth's atmosphere messing with the light.

[-] rufus@discuss.tchncs.de 50 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Because it's not controlled by the same company that also controls my smartphone OS, my internet search engine, the videos I watch ...

And it works pretty alright.

[-] rufus@discuss.tchncs.de 64 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Interesting. Replika AI, ChatGPT etc crack down on me for doing erotic stories and roleplay text dialogues. And this Clothoff App happily draws child pornography of 14 year olds? Shaking my head...

I wonder why they have no address etc on their website and the app isn't available in any of the proper app-stores.

Obviously police should ask Instagram who blackmails all these girls... Teach them a proper lesson. And then stop this company. Have them fined a few millions for generating and spreading synthetic CP. At least write a letter to their hosting or payment providers.

submitted 10 months ago by rufus@discuss.tchncs.de to c/linux@lemmy.ml

My laptop is getting old and i can't have Element eat up half of my RAM. There are many more clients out there but which one is good? aka "the best? ;-)

My requirements: lightweight, encryption 100% supported, active development/community. runs neatly 24/7 in the background.

Should also support the latest features, let me customize when to get notifications: priorities / muted chatrooms. And ideally also look clean and run on the Pinephone. But that's optional.

I don't care which desktop environment or cli.

What do you use?


Things are still moving fast. It's mid/late july now and i've spent some time outside, enjoying the summer. It's been a few weeks since things exploded in the month of may this year. Have you people settled down in the meantime?

I've since then moved from reddit and i miss the LocalLlama over there, that was/is buzzing with activity and AI news (and discussions) every day.

What are you people up to? Have you gotten tired of your AI waifus? Or finished indexing all of your data into some vector database? Have you discovered new applications for AI? Or still toying around and evaluating all the latest fine-tuned variations in constant pursuit of the best llama?

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joined 1 year ago