
I mean have you seen the state of the world; currently it's rampant with capitalism, explotation of women, degradation of LGBTQTIA+ rights, blatant nazism and extreemists, ecoterrorism and climate change denialism, shinkflation, etc

I mean it's really hard to have hope with the top constantly kicking people down and everyone just trying not to drown just to live an above average life

unless you're born with a silver spoon or got the right connections, things are looking mighty tough to say the least

lemmy just share that with 20 other people with...

wait a minute
red beans

tbh olives are great in salads, I could never eat them on their own tho😬

hopefully this guy gets life in prision


realistically what would happen for those reports is that warnings would be given,

  • after that it would mainly depend on the reported user in question

I have a suggestion for addressing the sources of harassment
I'd like to point out a couple of main concerns:

  • you might want to [figure out/explain to the public]:
    • how and why adding the CC license would protect your comments/posts from LLM data collection
  • when being harassed or intimidated, try not to engage/reciprocate with rage or hate [MadMax_That's_bait.gif],
    • if you do it'll make you less trustworthy to outsiders peering in,
      • this I learned painfully from experience
  • try to ask questions as it can help you learn truths of every situation,
    • and typically the path to truth can help you figure out solutions to problems
[-] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

an unequivalent exchange of privacy for personal security

some of these people in power truly just don't get it huh

like it's such an easy contradiction to spot,

  • you'd think "huh might want to avoid that cause it just costs more money and problems down the line" but here we are I guess

Hearing Barenaked Ladies One Week outside at a Subway is one hell of a feeling back into nostalgia

[-] 11 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Please do not make personal attacks,

  • as they will not help progress your case in adding CC licenses to your post/comments
[-] 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I mean tbh they're free to do as they wish as long as they're abiding by our TOS and guidelines

While adding a CC license on a comment is questionable on the aspect of viability, it doesn't violate any of our community rules

Please do not gatekeep unless you see justification for the prevention of something

[-] 7 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I was here😆

man I can't believe that you're actually able to grow a real pineapple in your house, that's pretty awesome

[-] 7 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

as one of the instance mod/admin's I'd say that evidence would help expedite the report process but it's totally optional

depending on what the thing being reported is sometimes evidence isn't needed

  • for anything that's blatantly negative/unpleasant, evidence isn't typically needed when reporting a post/comment

  • for anything else that someone might find subtly "off", 2 pieces of evidence could help us figure out what's wrong

    • as a systems analyst having as much information to determine what happened and how things got to this way can help others and myself determine what the best way forward could be
    • for example some users might just need a warning/clarification based on my own interactions

Apologies if this is the inappropriate community to post,

  • thought I'd share here since SS is a prominent member of the speedrun community

Please consider signing the petition as this might be our real chance at stopping publishers from permanently killing online games✊


cross-posted from:

Stop Killing Games Canadian Petition - Now Open For Signature

cross-posted from:

Stop Killing Games Canadian Petition - Now Open For Signature

Petition E-4965 is the one that is posted to, Ross Scott (Accursed Farms)'s campaign to end the practice of bricking games people have purchased, whenever the publisher doesn't want to support it anymore.

It is open for signing by Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents, until September 5th 2024.

Please spread the word to your Canadian friends and family who take interest in games, and please add your name to it to support this campaign to help preserve games in some form in perpetuity.

Thank you!

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

I just saw the news of the soft fork announcement over on the IceShrimp instance and thought I should share here

Background Context for Anyone Out of the Loop

(newest to oldest news - top to bottom):

As mentioned (by u/steventrouble in the previous post here):

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/

Thank you to everyone that submitted a report about the toxic user on our instance

Transphobia is absurd, horrid, and isn't allowed on our instance

As my software dev program finishes next week I'll be able to provide a quicker response to reports!

Thank you again to everyone making these reports🤗 and I highly encourage anyone else that spots anything sketchy to do the same as your reports helps us keep p.d a safe and cool community to share and discuss code related stuff🌻❤️

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Here's a couple of FOSS keyboard alternatives in no particular order:

Unexpected Keyboard - fdroid

  • GitHub Repo
  • License: GPL-3.0
  • Permissions:

    control vibration
    run at startup

FlorisBoard - fdroid

  • GitHub Repo
  • Apache-2.0
  • Permissions:

    control vibration

Thumb-Key - fdroid

  • GitHub Repo
  • AGPL-3.0
  • Permissions:


Notable Extra Notes:

I've used Unexpected Keyboard and FlorisBoard and I'd say that they're great introductory FOSS apps for most users (users inexperienced to sudden changes)

  • Unexpected Keyboard uses Nix in their codebase :D

  • Thumb-Key is maintained by dessalines whom is a Lemmy dev

  • Florisboard is starting to convert their codebase to Rust,

    • literally their commit to main yesterday:

      "Switch native code to Rust"

    so this is pretty awesome to see!!


As much as I hate Google I think this lawsuit from them sets a good precedence against scammer and spammers

Additional Duplicate Source:

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joined 10 months ago