[-] recapitated@lemmy.world 2 points 1 hour ago

For sure. It's a shame that being correct isn't the strategy for electoral politics.

[-] recapitated@lemmy.world 4 points 1 hour ago

Ok let's get you back to bed

[-] recapitated@lemmy.world 1 points 17 hours ago

Against the cats?

[-] recapitated@lemmy.world 3 points 17 hours ago

Ooh I just got a new idea for a new patent!

[-] recapitated@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Dislike a squatter all you want. You're not part of their due process, and you may not throw a tarantula at them. So, it's irrelevant.

I would also point out that if this happened it probably would not make the news here... Except for that the aggressor is a political candidate. That's what makes it interesting, that this batshit MFer actually thinks the people deserve her. The squatter is not trying to represent you.

[-] recapitated@lemmy.world 8 points 2 days ago

I always thought I hated career politicians until trump came around. The difference in skill sets between someone who spent a lifetime navigating politics and someone who spent a lifetime conning people is monumental.

[-] recapitated@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

Can anyone tell me why horizontal lines through a colorful sun works so well as an aesthetic?

[-] recapitated@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

Lol nevermind. I have no idea what context clue told me it was gum.

[-] recapitated@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

The most swallowed gum.


I am curious about podcasts with high quality content but that are pretty centered around specific topics like hobbies or particular professions.

For example, there are a handful of ham radio podcasts such as Linux In The Ham Shack.

Tell me about some podcasts that keep you up in your interests or career that wouldn't make sense to share with most people you know.


I am currently redesigning my kitchen in a 1930's Midwestern USA house. The kitchen has a decent floor area but the floor plan is oddly restrictive.

My space next to the sink is such that I can either have a standard 24" dishwasher next to the sink and a slightly weird cabinet adjacent to it, or I could have an 18 inch dishwasher at 45 degrees flanked by two small but reasonably sized cabinet doors (or drawers), although the 45 degree plan would dictate a somewhat shallow custom counter depth on the flanks (like 18-20 inches).

I think I would be more proud of the accomplishment of building the angled design, and I think the ergonomics would be optimal.

But I'm not sure about the smaller dishwasher. I have never used a smaller one. It seems like it would be enough for my small family and still plenty helpful for gatherings.


And if you somehow disagree with flushing it down if it is brown, I suppose I would like to hear about that as well.

[-] recapitated@lemmy.world 165 points 4 months ago

This is starting to get into the "only one joke" territory.

I assume that this stereotype is based on some volume of observation, but it's been dragged and beaten into the ground, and honestly, as someone with decades of professional and enthusiast experience with FOSS, this stereotype just doesn't even strike a chord with me.

In summary, this whole meme is overcooked.

[-] recapitated@lemmy.world 132 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

There's never been a bad year for the Linux desktop. The share size doesn't matter. So, yes, it is the year of the Linux desktop in my book and it has been that way for decades.


How often do you clean them, and how? Any cautionary tales?

[-] recapitated@lemmy.world 111 points 6 months ago

That makes sense. The goal always seemed to be as fake as possible.

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