[-] rainynight65@feddit.org 13 points 2 weeks ago

So first they force people back into the office because CBD businesses are suffering.

Then they want to ban people from going for a coffee?

Make up your fucking minds!

[-] rainynight65@feddit.org 17 points 3 weeks ago

Thing is though, if that's his plan, he still needs to keep his base energised. If all they see him do now is slack off and visibly not care, they may just think he's given up, and not turn up on election day. Fraud will be harder to argue with meagre turnout of his voters. They may also be harder to mobilise in November if they got disenchanted with him in September.

So in a way, by stewing, sulking and slacking off, he may just not be doing himself any favours.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.org 13 points 1 month ago

The fastest way to ruin a hobby is to make it a side hustle, or worse, your job.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.org 20 points 1 month ago

The funny thing is that most languages in the world call Finland Finland or something adjacent (usually containing the syllable 'Fin-'), while it's 'Suomi' in Finnish. Only the Baltic states call it something similar to that.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.org 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Last time I checked, on iOS it didn't have either.

Edit: just checked, the iOS version still doesn't have downloads and does not support casting to Chromecast.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.org 12 points 1 month ago

Then we also need to talk about Sodum, Potassum, Magnesum, Plutonum, Uranum, Cadmum, Chromum, Titanum and a bunch more. Why should Aluminum be the outlier?

[-] rainynight65@feddit.org 24 points 1 month ago

While this reads and sounds reasonable, in reality it is anything but. Because what it boils down to is that women are not allowed to be successful on the same terms as men.

If a male athlete stands out over his peers through unusual body features and physical advantages, that's fine. But if a woman does, then you immediately get people questioning if she's really a woman.

The gender policing of successful female athletes is not new - it has a long and dreadful history. Athletes like Martina Navratilova, Venus and Serena Williams, even Simone Biles were subjected to this at some point in their careers. For some women it has led to significant disadvantages and loss of opportunities purely based on conjecture.

Also, this kind of policing is often done by women under the pretence of wanting to protect women - but hurting women in the process. Some women don't care that they're hurting other women. The key problem is that womanhood gets redefined all the time and narrowed at will depending on who currently rouses someone's ire.

So for what you're proposing to work, the criteria must be simple, wide-reaching, and unassailable. They must not discriminate against women with unusual physiques or body features so long as they are clearly women. Gender determination cannot be intrusive or demeaning. Anything else hurts all women and entrenches their systemic disadvantages.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.org 24 points 1 month ago

Oh fuck off. For one, it's not even clear whether higher testosterone levels really give an athlete that much of an edge - many high level male athletes have comparatively low testosterone levels. Secondly, the forms of doping that involve testosterone are not manifesting themselves purely in higher testosterone levels - there are other tests for that. If there was any suspicion that this athlete was doping, they'd run the gamut on her - note how many athletes were already suspended this year, and they're not from comparatively poor countries like Algeria.

If a male boxer beats an opponent to a pulp, then we collectively shrug and move on. Oh well, he was just better. Poor matchmaking. But when it involves women, suddenly there must be something wrong with the athlete who, applying Occam's Razor, simply was stronger.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.org 24 points 1 month ago

What I most respect about Andy Murray is how unhesitatingly he has taken stances against sexism in the sport, as well as other systemic problems.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.org 14 points 1 month ago

It just looks like there's barely any natural light in the areas where you'd want it. The house interior, aside from everything else that's wrong with it, feels dark and cramped. A recipe for depression.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.org 16 points 1 month ago

Oh, hat der kleine Fascho Angst, weil ihn die Polizei nicht vor den bösen bösen Linksextremen beschützt, die ihn... Moment mal, kurz nachlesen... unverfroren einen Nazi nennen?

[-] rainynight65@feddit.org 21 points 1 month ago

Something that conforms to or supports my views: not political.

Something that contradicts my views: political.

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