Oh no. Anyways.
Citizen of the United States here. Don’t. Assume whatever this orange anal fistula offers to pay will in fact not be paid. Assume whatever agreement brokered will immediately be ignored or violated. Assume this pus filled clementine will still try to “take” Greenland.
Let this shithole 3rd world country burn. It asked for fascism in the form of egg prices, let them deal with their egg prices.
As an American, I’m here to warn you that this orange hemorrhoid will go back on any and everything he says and you should not, under any circumstance, believe or trust him. He will take the first opportunity to back out or screw you over. Don’t do it. Remember, him and president musk believ that Americans are willing to tolerate a little pain. Make them reap their own whirlwind and suffer the consequences. Fuck them. Sincerely. And twice on their holy day.
It’s not terrorism. They were just peacefully touring the dealerships. Just like January 6. Peacefully touring.