[-] porl@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)
### Multiple binds to one key [](https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Binds/#multiple-binds-to-one-key)

You can trigger multiple actions with one keybind by assigning multiple binds to one combination, e.g.:

# to switch between windows in a floating workspace
bind = SUPER,Tab,cyclenext,          # change focus to another window
bind = SUPER,Tab,bringactivetotop,   # bring it to the top

The keybinds will be executed in the order they were created. (top to bottom)
[-] porl@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

That's just the way you write the rules being deprecated, not the functionality.

There is move left/right within a workspace, move to specific workspace and then move to next/previous workspace (from memory using e+1 as the workspace name in the command but might be misremembering). Admittedly this isn't exactly the same as what you want; I replied from my mobile and checked when I went back to my desk. I usually use meta/shift/[num] to send to a specific workspace though as I make heavy use of them.

[-] porl@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I have workspaces pinned to monitors in Hyprland and have none of the problems you mentioned. I use odd numbers for left screen and even numbers for right.

Edit: just took a look and can't find mention of the depreciation; where did you read that?

[-] porl@lemmy.world 19 points 2 weeks ago

How does this compare to wlroots?

[-] porl@lemmy.world 7 points 2 months ago


Maybe it could be "Installed size +44.6MB" to clarify without taking too much space.

[-] porl@lemmy.world 12 points 2 months ago

I absolutely love Hyprland but have no respect for Vaxry beyond his coding ability.

I really hope someone starts a good fork of it, I haven't found another wm I like as much but I hate to be seen as supporting that awful person.

[-] porl@lemmy.world 13 points 3 months ago

They are not likely to be using the terminal. Pretty much every graphical file browser will ask for confirmation upon delete, and many will use a rubbish bin by default.

[-] porl@lemmy.world 24 points 3 months ago

Before I had a proper internet connection (had to ask permission to borrow a dial up account) I bought a magazine that had a picture of a cow on it saying that Larry the cow was different. It was a DVD image of the stage one mirror of this new fangled Gentoo thing.

Learnt from the magazine how to install a bootloader and so on and then "bravely" typed emerge world into the terminal after configuring the list of all the packages I wanted. Including a full desktop (KDE I think but may have been Gnome). And Firefox. And Open Office. And some multimedia stuff I don't remember.

On a Pentium ii.

Took a week before I could do the next step :D

[-] porl@lemmy.world 29 points 4 months ago

It's its own kind of sexy.

[-] porl@lemmy.world 12 points 4 months ago

I play Pathfinder

There are dozens of us!

[-] porl@lemmy.world 11 points 5 months ago

Why doesn't my keyboard have a thumbs-up key?!

[-] porl@lemmy.world 9 points 8 months ago

Captain Kirk is climbing a mountain. Why is he climbing the mountain?

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