[-] popekingjoe@lemmy.world 3 points 16 hours ago

Man yeah I'd love that so much.

[-] popekingjoe@lemmy.world 5 points 16 hours ago

Yeah I fell for that Symphonia port. Big sadge.

It's apparently gotten better with updates, but I've not tried it in awhile and I'd rather just emulate it.

[-] popekingjoe@lemmy.world 19 points 16 hours ago

Final Fantasy VII. The PC port is kinda bad and PSX emulators are very very good.

[-] popekingjoe@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

That would make for an excellent YT poop.

[-] popekingjoe@lemmy.world 84 points 7 months ago

Go choke on a bag of cocks and die.

[-] popekingjoe@lemmy.world 65 points 7 months ago

It's seriously hilarious to me that something like Linux will literally let you uninstall the bootloader and reboot without installing a new one and won't say shit about it. :D

[-] popekingjoe@lemmy.world 43 points 8 months ago

The Internet is for porn. R34 rules that roost.

[-] popekingjoe@lemmy.world 44 points 10 months ago
"Do you sell TVs?" (lemmy.world)

This one was a little over a decade ago, when plasma TVs were still manufactured and sold, and LCD TVs were still catching in terms of awesomeness.

I was a young, bright-eyed electronics associate working for the big "blue and yellow save money" company. This particular day was a steady but peaceful day, and I was working the counter, cashing people out and directing them to various areas in the department where they could find things.

I had just finished ringing a customer out for a PS3 game when a fella walks up to the counter and the following exchange took place:

Strange Customer: "Hey man... do you sell TVs?"

Me: caught off guard by the question, I slowly turned to the TV wall that sat in full view roughly 30ft away, filled with 30+ different TV models, then slowly turned back to him "Sir, I don't think I can help you."

SC: "Oh alright man, no problem."

And then he just left. It remains, to this day, the most bizarre customer interaction I have ever had, and I would not be surprised if it was a part of a YouTube prank video. I've been at the store I work at for over 13 years now, and nothing has topped this one for weirdness.

[-] popekingjoe@lemmy.world 46 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It doesn't.

OP is claiming that disallowing the connection to Facebook is stopping the log in, but it might be blocking the connection to the ntp server instead.

[-] popekingjoe@lemmy.world 66 points 11 months ago

How pathetic. Humanity sucks man. :(

King Elon (lemmy.world)
[-] popekingjoe@lemmy.world 127 points 1 year ago

I stay the fuck away from anything Meta/Facebook, so absolutely not.

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