[-] pixel@beehaw.org 16 points 3 months ago

the ability to run a pokemon game above 20 fps, ideally

I love scarlet and violet, I was quite fond of them, but I really want a pokemon game that doesn't feel like pulling teeth to play

[-] pixel@beehaw.org 14 points 6 months ago

holy shit I'm glad I saw this because i thought my screen was going or something, the colors are good but they're just barely different enough to where I thought I was going crazy

[-] pixel@beehaw.org 66 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

This is a false equivalence. Most of the rhetoric I've seen about Hamas is that it's an inevitable consequence of Israel's treatment of restricting the Palestinian people to an open-air prison. Saying "We can't support either Hamas or Israel" ignores the fact that most people in favor of Palestine are in favor of the civilians, the people who did nothing and are still bombed and tortured and executed. Not to say that Hamas deserves to be bombed and tortured, they're citizens as well that shouldn't be in this situation in the first place, but the large majority of support is in favor of the Palestinian people more broadly that are just unfortunate enough to be adjacent to the conflict and are forced to deal with the consequences of Israel's bloodlust

to be clear: I do think Palestinians have a right to fight for their own freedom. But with the amount of disinformation at play here i don't know how many atrocities are actually committed by Hamas and how many are the result of Israeli misinformation campaigns. But the amount of any of that doesn't change how I feel -- Innocent civilians should never die in a conflict like this. I don't care if Hamas is doing it [edit: or not. The purpose of this statement is to show that I don't care if Hamas is doing something abhorrent and Israel isn't, or vice versa because it's irrelevant to the broader point. Just to clarify, my language was unclear], Israel is very clearly ALSO doing it, and it's abhorrent and gross no matter who. But in terms of the conceptual "high ground" the west likes to bandy around, Palestinians have a right to fight for its freedom from an occupying colonial force.

[-] pixel@beehaw.org 37 points 8 months ago

I think the mod is fucking stupid and entirely unnecessary but the guy that made it is well within his rights to make it, in much the same way that I and nexusmods are more than within their rights to say this guy's an idiot, and nexusmods is in a position to do something about it. if he's able to express free speech by making his mod in the first place, he is not exempt from the consequence of that expression of his right lol

[-] pixel@beehaw.org 22 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I agree, I always feel like the "I always knew X was a bad person" discourse that always pops up in the wake of this stuff indicates that like. Somehow you had more knowledge than anyone else about this. It's basically just fueling your own ego as a result of a situation like this. You don't know these people, what makes people feel like a gut instinct suffices as sufficiently damning evidence? Like, it's fine to not like someone and abstain from engaging with them accordingly. That's okay. But going "I always knew that he was bad" does no good.

Obviously listen to Madison, trust victims and support them (do note that this doesn't mean not to listen to further developments and adjust your moral judgment accordingly, come what may) but that doesn't mean to indulge yourself and over-justify your ability to judge someone you've never had an interaction with based on vibes alone, that's a pretty unhealthy pattern to fall into in my opinion that has negative effects long term that don't benefit anybody.

[-] pixel@beehaw.org 40 points 9 months ago

EA is an immensely useful tool for game devs, the issue is EA as an excuse to ship unpolished games or to leave games unfinished forever. Neither of which are problems intrinsic to early access, they're just bad business practice that should be shunned like any other

[-] pixel@beehaw.org 19 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I want to echo the steam deck recommendations, but not because I have one, but rather because I daily drove gaming laptops for the better part of a decade and hated it

Sincerely. Get a device dedicated for gaming, not a compromise between form factor and expected output. A cheap used Thinkpad with some knock around Linux distro will do 90% of what you likely need a laptop for, and put the rest of your budget into a tricked out steam deck. You'll have money left over relative to a gaming laptop, too, which are always -- and I mean, always, terribly low on battery life, extraordinarily hot, and rarely performant enough to justify either shortfall. Usually they weigh a ton too.

I'm glad gaming laptops are improving steadily and integrated graphics are improving to shore up the slack through things like the steam deck and also just letting most laptops play games better without breaking the bank, but I'd have been far happier with a cheap gaming computer and a cheap laptop than an expensive gaming laptop as my only option. And in lieu of a full tower for gaming, a steam deck is your next best option

The only exception, in my eyes, is if you need a laptop as a portable video editing workstation as well as for gaming. Then gaming laptops become a more valuable proposition, but even still I'd go with the above. I just figured I'd mention something that gaming laptops have over a steam deck or other comparable offerings, steam decks make a creative workload a lot more cumbersome than a proper laptop would be

[-] pixel@beehaw.org 16 points 10 months ago

I have never been happier to download an app in my life. Connect was great for the time but the polish and ux of sync is unmatched

[-] pixel@beehaw.org 25 points 10 months ago

It also sounds too much like Firefox. But either way, it doesn't sound like accounting software anymore which was my issue with calckey's branding prior to now anyway lmao

But it's by far the best fediverse platform I've used from a functionality standpoint and I'm quite fond of it so hopefully this puts more eyes on it

submitted 10 months ago by pixel@beehaw.org to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

The bottom bar nav is awesome (it's a bit weird looking still but I like the functionality a lot) but when I start scrolling I'd prefer if it hit itself like the top bar to make more room for content :)

[-] pixel@beehaw.org 14 points 10 months ago

People that espouse the values of the fediverse often forget that people use these sorts of non-federated tools to engage with community, and sometimes a shitty thing can have good communities. Like how do you expect an artist who accepts commissions regularly from their followers to support themselves on mastodon when Twitter is right there? How do you expect communities around games, just as a single example, to universally migrate to matrix?

These alternatives are better for myriad reasons, certainly, but the moral posturing reducing engagement with these platforms to being the only moral consideration to keep in mind, which is an incredibly narrow understanding of how people use these social media platforms. It's like people that were mad at "any mods not privating their subreddits" during the reddit protests not acknowledging that places like the substance abuse subreddits perform a public good and it's almost like engaging with these platforms isnt just engaging with the platform, it's also engaging with the people there

[-] pixel@beehaw.org 13 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

its funny, I go by pixel which I didn't pick with the intent of it becoming my name but when you're in gaming spaces for long enough your tag kinda becomes your name, as it were? Like I still use my "real" name in my day-to-day but just about everyone just calls me pixel outside of my family or very very long-time friends, and it's "weird" enough that it kinda reads as an enby name in the first place lol

[-] pixel@beehaw.org 21 points 11 months ago

One day, after school, I decided to tinker with the Mac systems at my school, and in that process I learned that Mac has a virtual drive that it uses as a setup medium that it doesn't clear, it just un-mounts, when you finish installing. So I just re-mounted the setup drive on the computer from the command line, restarted, booted in like I was setting up a fresh new computer and gave myself an admin account on one of the computers in our lab. Didn't really do anything nefarious with it, but it was a fun little experiment regardless

submitted 11 months ago by pixel@beehaw.org to c/animeandmanga@beehaw.org

Having moved off of reddit mostly I'm finding it hard to keep tabs on what seasonal shows are worth the effort, what shows are y'all planning on watching/most looking forward to? The stuff I'm excited for this year (with the exception of JJK and Mushoku Tensei) all come out later this year so I'm kind of in a holding pattern right now, would love some direction :)

submitted 11 months ago by pixel@beehaw.org to c/food@beehaw.org

Hey! I recently made carne asada for my partner -- they haven't had good mexican food like that before, and I spent a number of years in texas and grew up with a mother from texas so tex mex food is very near and dear to my heart, and everything came out great, except the home-made tortillas. They felt more like griddle cakes than the corn tortillas I'm used to, and I don't think i got the ratios wrong on water to masa harina? It's hard to say if it was actually an issue with the ratios, if it was something with the heat of the cook surface (We don't have a griddle yet so I had to use a stainless steel pan, not sure if those get hot enough/retain enough thermal mass), if it was something with the masa harina itself, or what. Do any of you have experience making corn tortillas and have any advice? Or should I just go to the carniceria i got the carne asada from and ask if they make fresh tortillas lmao

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