[-] pineapple_pizza@lemmy.dexlit.xyz 24 points 3 weeks ago

So I have T-Mobile in a major city. Whenever my ISP goes down, my normally fast 5G slows to a crawl due to the increased load. So it seems like when you need this the most is when youd get the worst performance.

[-] pineapple_pizza@lemmy.dexlit.xyz 21 points 1 month ago

As a bonus it's much healthier. Win win. Though a large portion of the population won't see it that way.

[-] pineapple_pizza@lemmy.dexlit.xyz 19 points 2 months ago

I feel like adding a carbon tax to meat could be more effective than us just telling people to eat differently.

At this point, those that aren't already switched to plant based diets need a carrot or stick.

That being said, adding a meat tax would be insanely hard to pass in the US

[-] pineapple_pizza@lemmy.dexlit.xyz 29 points 2 months ago

On Android you need to opt in to notifications for every app you install. Just opt out :)

Or, be like me and keep your phone on do not disturb(except calls from contacts). Doing this was one of the most significant quality of life improvements for me over the last few years.

[-] pineapple_pizza@lemmy.dexlit.xyz 30 points 2 months ago

"who was nominated to the bench by trump" Isn't this a blatant conflict of interest?

[-] pineapple_pizza@lemmy.dexlit.xyz 33 points 3 months ago

This makes people like me that pay taxes feel like suckers.

[-] pineapple_pizza@lemmy.dexlit.xyz 83 points 4 months ago

Second map is wrong. You can drink the tap water in any country at least once

[-] pineapple_pizza@lemmy.dexlit.xyz 21 points 5 months ago

For someone that's 175lbs, that's like 5 Diet Cokes

[-] pineapple_pizza@lemmy.dexlit.xyz 34 points 5 months ago

Integration between products can be done well through standards and public apis. Apple just doesn't expose this functionality to other developers because they want you stuck in their system because of the benefits of the integration between products.

[-] pineapple_pizza@lemmy.dexlit.xyz 29 points 5 months ago

Most IDEs will handle the imports for you and auto collapse them

[-] pineapple_pizza@lemmy.dexlit.xyz 35 points 7 months ago

Do votes count as activity as well? Or just posts and comments?

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