This is what happens when everything on the planet is run by suits who are incapable of seeing anything but the bottom line. Exploit the creatives until they can be replaced by shitty robots that don't do the job half as well but are cheaper to use.

Our dumb cyberpunk future is now.

Yeah no we're not turning this real-ass goddamn murder hobo into a meme format.

"Respect is earned" - dickhead who expects to be respected by everyone else by default

I briefly saw something on the news to the effect of "concern for Mitch McConnell after xyz incident."

I didn't see the whole thing or what actually happened, but I did become very concerned that he'd survive.

Headphone jack for sure. Like 90% of my phone usage is either listening to music or watching videos, so decent audio is like the only thing I care about lol.

Man creates dinosaurs

Dinosaurs eat man

Woman inherits the earth

Eh, if it's coming from an adult who should know better, I wouldn't say it's being misinterpreted as a sign of being an asshole.

He can be your angle or yuor devil

Radicalized terrorist superhero.

[-] 50 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The original one said something like "Thanksgiving isn't racist, change my mind," which is like... Not a thing that anybody says. The way Thanksgiving is taught to American kids is racist and full of revisionist history, but not even the ideal reddit caricature of an SJW would go around telling everyone that eating a turkey and mashed potatoes makes you racist. It was like inviting people to dEbAtE him on an issue that people aren't really even trying to make, so he'd get to sit there like a smug asshole without having to do anything.

Edit: I remembered the wrong slogan, the original sign said something else. The Thanksgiving bit was from a video he did, iirc the title used the same "change my mind" naming convention.

He deserves nothing (

I mean like... Most of the people I've had crushes on.

Yeah cuz meeting people and getting to know them sucks on ice. I have no idea how you're supposed to do it without like going to school and being forced to be around the same people all day until you figure out which ones you hate the least as a matter of survival.

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