[-] pensivepangolin@lemmy.world 67 points 5 months ago

No their ads told me they’re the heroic guardians of my privacy.

[-] pensivepangolin@lemmy.world 105 points 6 months ago

Banning driving on the phone while allowing iPads to be put im dashboards shows how fucking stupid our legislators really are.

[-] pensivepangolin@lemmy.world 87 points 6 months ago

“Young Americans are upset that the economy is tanking and stacked to exploit them for their masters’ benefit as their planet boils in real time for the rest of their lives.”

Wow, yeah, that’s so hard to understand! Who would have guessed that would result in cynicism regarding capitalism? Shocking!

Suggestions (lemmy.world)

Hello, and forgive me for throwing in a text post. I was wondering what you guys would recommend for a newcomer! I just got into black metal about 6 months ago, and I’m digging it, mostly Mayhem and Darkthrone and Bathory, so nothing super out-there or unknown. I’d love some recommendations for good bands!

[-] pensivepangolin@lemmy.world 101 points 7 months ago

Uh no Israel are the good guys. They told me so.

[-] pensivepangolin@lemmy.world 144 points 7 months ago

I wish this was satire but it’s just weirdly fetishistic propaganda. It’s not even subtle; it’s pathetic.

[-] pensivepangolin@lemmy.world 172 points 8 months ago

bUt ClImAtE cHaNgE iS a WoKe HoAx To TaKe OuR gAs StOvEs

[-] pensivepangolin@lemmy.world 80 points 8 months ago

But then how do you justify keeping “middle management” hall monitors on a payroll after admitting they’re pointless?

[-] pensivepangolin@lemmy.world 127 points 9 months ago

Texas: Big government is evil!

Also Texas: Big government, the climate change weve been denying is boiling us please save our freedom grid

[-] pensivepangolin@lemmy.world 74 points 10 months ago

Oh wow, that’s totally not a gross invasion of privacy.

[-] pensivepangolin@lemmy.world 67 points 10 months ago

Considering courts have been using Zoom since COVID…I am dying to see what happens. Will Zoom clarify that it doesn’t collect/utilize meeting recordings to train AI? Is it going to exactly that and force anyone conducting sensitive business to find a new platform?

This feels like a remarkably bad move, both for privacy and for Xoom’s own business concerns, unless I’m missing something.


What do we have here?

Greetings, fellow carbon-based life forms. I’ve gon ahead and created Rimjob Steve: a place for wholesome posts/comments by those with inappropriate/rude usernames! If you’re familiar with the original subreddit, you get the idea. If not, I have posted an example in the new Lemmy community!

Why did I make this?

I really enjoyed the subreddit!

Who is Pensivepangolin?

I’m literally just some person.

Right now I’m the only mod, and I’m not affiliated with the subreddit in anyway, other than as someone that enjoyed it when they still used Reddit. I’m more than willing to bring people on to moderate it if the community gets an real volume of users! I’m also more than happy to answer any questions! Also if any mod of that sub ever winds up seeing this and wants to contact me, please feel free to hit me up on here. I’m going to be setting up a mastodon account shortly, and I’ll edit the post to include it when that’s done!

[-] pensivepangolin@lemmy.world 98 points 11 months ago

I think it’s the same reason the CEO’s of these corporations are clamoring about their own products being doomsday devices: it gives them massive power over crafting regulatory policy, thus letting them make sure it’s favorable to their business interests.

Even more frustrating when you realize, and feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, these new “AI” programs and LLMs aren’t really novel in terms of theoretical approach: the real revolution is the amount of computing power and data to throw at them.

[-] pensivepangolin@lemmy.world 140 points 11 months ago

“Intelligent adult” + funko pop collection….who’s gonna tell him?

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