[-] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I did not read the link, but two of my biggest concerns do not appear in the summary you provided :

  • the burden of hosting an ActivityPub enabled service is often duplicated for each instance instead of being split between them (for example, my Lemmy instance has a large picture folder and database because it is replicating all posts from communities I'm subscribed to)
  • it's a privacy nightmare. All instance admins now have as much spying power as the single centralized service it is replacing

(Edit: typo)

[-] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 7 points 1 month ago

It's a server that hosts map data for the whole world, and sends map fragments (tiles)as pictures for the coordinates and zoom levels that clients request from them

[-] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 6 points 2 months ago

Can you give examples of countries where mainstream media is not owned by billionaires ?

[-] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

2 years ago was already amazing for someone who tried to play CS 1.6 and trackmania using wine 18 years ago

[-] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

le SMB a progressé de 0,8 % et même de 1,4 % pour les ouvriers mieux lotis grâce à la revalorisation automatique du SMIC

Mince alors. Si j'avais su j'aurais fait ouvrier pour être mieux loti que les autres avec mon smic ! C'est à la limite du supportable ce type de tournure...

Les salaires progressent toujours plus vite que les prix, mais les augmentations ralentissent

Je trouve ce titre au mieux imprécis, au pire trompeur... Dans tous les cas c'est tres peu clair sur la nature du phénomène qu'on décrit. Personellement, je comprend en lisant ce titre un truc du style "depuis toujours, les salaires augmentent plus vite que l'inflation", alors que d'après le contenu de l'article, ça fait seulement depuis 2 ou 3 trimestres :

Graphique extrait de l'article

« Les salaires ont réagi avec retard à l'inflation. En revanche, ils ralentissent presque en même temps que les hausses de prix, ce qui nous a beaucoup surpris », reconnaît Dorian Roucher, chef du département Conjoncture à l'Insee.

Alors que les ménages n'ont guère pu compter sur leurs salaires pour limiter leurs pertes de pouvoir d'achat face au choc inflationniste de ces deux dernières années, les gains qui se profilent en 2024 risquent de décevoir. Dans ses prévisions, l'Institut de la statistique attend une hausse de 2,9 % du SMB pour l'année en cours après un bond de 4,3 % en 2023. Les salaires réels augmenteraient « modestement » en 2024, de 0,6 % selon l'Insee. « La dynamique des salaires cette année ne compenserait donc pas les pertes cumulées par les salariés en 2022 et 2023 qui ont atteint 2,5 % », souligne Dorian Roucher.

On est quand même très loin de l'optimisme que suggère le titre de l'article !

[-] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 6 points 2 months ago

They told me about hosting their own tile server earlier today. I'm really impressed by how fast they moved !

A pull request for a privacy page during the onboarding is in the works, and I've been working with them to update the settings page and documentation (with the goal of providing an easy way to switch map providers). They are also working on a privacy policy, and want to ship all of this in a few weeks as part of a single release.

Once again, I'm really impressed with how well they're handling this

[-] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 6 points 3 months ago

I don't game that much on pc anymore, but this reminded me of this post about Linux gamers providing good bug reports.

[-] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 9 points 4 months ago

Things have been going well for me, using docker-mailserver.

I followed the setup guide, did everything in the DKIM, DMARC and SPF documentation page. The initial setup required more involvement from me than your standard docker-compose self-hosting deployment, but I got no issues at all (for now, fingers crossed) after the initial setup : I never missed any inbound e-mails, and my outbound e-mails have not been rejected by any spam filter yet.

However, I agree with everyone else that you should not self-host an important contact address without proper redundancy/recovery mechanism in case anything goes wrong.

You should also understand that self-hosting an email address means you should never let your domain expire to prevent someone from receiving emails sent to you by registering your expired domain. This means you should probably not use a self-hosted e-mail to register any account on services that may outlive your self-hosted setup because e-mail is frequently used to send password reset links.

[-] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 10 points 6 months ago

As usual, I subscribed for the giggles and I keep getting dragged into unsolicited rabbit holes of useful knowledge. Thanks for being an awesome community

[-] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 7 points 8 months ago

Nice paywall :/

[-] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 8 points 8 months ago

Github is not really independent from Git, it's a git provider. (you could see it as Github being to Git what Gmail is to e-mails)

[-] pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr 7 points 11 months ago

Not so long ago, while trying to turn a side project of mine into a package, I bind mounted my home directory into a chroot.

Guess what happened when I rm -rfed the chroot...

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