[-] o_0@slrpnk.net 5 points 10 months ago

If you wanna be realistic about it Voting in any state other than a swing state is basically 'throwing your vote away' : Vote Blue in a Blue State you're just throwing it in a pile, Vote Blue in a Red State it's just as much a symbolic protest vote as anything else. Only in a swing state will your Vote make a tangeable difference which is why those are the only states either party even campaigns in for the most part.


{ West is not responsible for Biden’s low approval rating among likely Democratic voters.

It is fanciful to think that those voters will vote for Biden in large numbers if West is not on their ballot as the Green Party presidential candidate in 2024. A convenient fanciful notion is — wait for it — fanciful, no matter how much we might enjoy it. The fact that it is convenient, or even desirable, does not make the notion credible, let alone persuasive.

Voters who hold lukewarm views about Biden’s presidency have several options. Some will vote for him anyway. Others might vote for a third-party candidate (such as West) with whom they more strongly agree. Some voters might decide to “stay home.”

People concerned about West’s Green Party campaign for the U.S. presidency do not think that disgruntled and lukewarm Democratic voters are likely to vote for Trump, or for any of the other politicians currently campaigning to be chosen as the Republican Party nominee in 2024. They fear that Trump’s right-wing base of white religious nationalists, neofascist imperialists, military adventurist and free market capitalists will vote Trump back into power unless disgruntled and lukewarm Democratic voters re-elect Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

But if Biden cannot persuade voters that he deserves their votes, no one should blame West. Instead, we should admit that those voters are free to vote for a presidential candidate whose record squares with their views and values.

They owe Biden no political fealty and are not required to serve the interests of the neoliberal capitalists who run the Democratic Party, whether West runs for president or not. Their voting preferences should be based on their realities, their histories and their hopes. }

[-] o_0@slrpnk.net 4 points 1 year ago

you know they used to have these things called sail boats

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by o_0@slrpnk.net to c/cornelwest2024@slrpnk.net

"For the past 50 years, I have been facing heavy financial responsibilities to family and friends. I have always made my priceless children a high priority - even with lavish treatments that are not in the records. The wave of IRS audits, fees, liabilities, levees, and liens have always been and are now resolved based on agreements set in place years ago. I do believe that we all should pay our fair share of taxes, especially the top 1%! Like the 63% of my hard-working fellow citizens, I live paycheck to paycheck with dignity and determination!#PeopleOverProfits" https://nitter.net/CornelWest/status/1693672094910058679#m


Interesting Clip, the Biden team are counting on Trump being the nominee, Looking for "Rematch" of 2020, don't want any "Variables"

[-] o_0@slrpnk.net 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

People who are saying "this is technically correct" forget that The 9nth amendment says this

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Which is to say, Just because a right isn't explicitly enumerated in the constitution does not mean the people don't retain that right. I would think the right to not have the planet not be destroyed by Fossil Fuel Companies would fall under that, along with clean and and water and all the rest.

submitted 1 year ago by o_0@slrpnk.net to c/socialism@lemmy.ml

When asked which Economic Model Does he Prefer Cornel West had this to say

{ When you think about self respect, when you think about self determination, when you think about self defense, that comes from a bottom up orientation.

What does a democratic economy look like? It doesn't look like a capitalist economy. Capitalism is not a democratic form of organizing at the workplace, it's heirarchal, so I'm for workers control.

Am I a socialist? certainly there's a strong socialist dimension to what I'm talking about but that's just a moment... but we've got spiritual and cultural dimensions that go far beyond isms, far beyond ideoogies.

In the communist tradition I would be closer to council communists than the vanguard communists "the Soviets Without Bolshevicks" that's what happened at the Kronstadt Rebellion when they were crushed. Soviets are Workers Organizations whereas the Vanguard Party were imposing their will upon the Workers Organizations so that the workers counciles got crushed. So people like Pannakoek or Gorder(?) . . . These are so called Council Communist who become revolutionary socialists critical of Vanguard Parties orientation... }


This Is why Americans don't have Healthcare

map taken from here https://www.basenation.us/maps.html

read more on US military bases around the world


[-] o_0@slrpnk.net 6 points 1 year ago

true. I know a lot of people are in similar situations, that's what kept me on facebook for years. I'll just say at this point, twitter could just die any day now, starting DMing people if you haven't already and find another way to say in touch.

[-] o_0@slrpnk.net 6 points 1 year ago

Personally I prefer to just not pay for anything exept internet and torrent and stream everything for free, much cheaper, no restrictions

[-] o_0@slrpnk.net 85 points 1 year ago

at this point, with twitter being inaccessible to non logged in user, the 'public square' thing is totally done,. Get off twitter now. There are alternatives.

[-] o_0@slrpnk.net 17 points 1 year ago

lmao, i've been getting that constantly

[-] o_0@slrpnk.net 10 points 1 year ago

There was a Vice Documentary that got canceled recently, apparrenlty he watched people get tortured and recommended force feeding and other fucked up things https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/desantis-guantanamo-force-feedings-canceled-documentary-1234793826/

[-] o_0@slrpnk.net 13 points 1 year ago

didn't he torture people in gitmo?

[-] o_0@slrpnk.net 4 points 1 year ago

the film Canadian Bacon is pretty interesting, it kinda anticipates the Iraq War

[-] o_0@slrpnk.net 24 points 1 year ago

this is really the natural end point of their racist rhetoric

[-] o_0@slrpnk.net 12 points 1 year ago

The era of Free Streaming has just begun

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