[-] nyctre@lemmy.world 115 points 2 days ago

Holy crap... Did you guys read the bottom bit about Georgia voters?

"Another man Bob, playing with his bluegrass band outside a café, was more sure. He wanted a positive outcome for Donald Trump and said a conviction would not change his mind. What would?

“If he was convicted of murder, I'd be like that's not a guy I want to go for!” "

Not surprised, tbh, but I still find it ridiculous to read.

[-] nyctre@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Worked with smoke on the water, not with the pink panther theme. Some of the easiest songs to hum, imo. Sure, I suck at this, but still...anyway, something extra to try when I can't remember the name of a song. Thanks!

[-] nyctre@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago

Oh, you meant tumblr commenters. My bad. Yeah, fuck those guys.

[-] nyctre@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

The only thing the article shows is that putin is a lying sack of shit and that they've been negotiating a peace since february 2022. The fact that they couldn't agree on terms and you blaming it on western support is purely your interpretation, has nothing to do with facts. It literally said in the article that russia's first first peace proposal was capitulation. And negotiations brought it down to "neutral" russian puppet, at which point negotiations crumbled. There's no bias there, that's what happened. Even the last version of the draft was something that was unacceptable to Ukraine. Anyway, I'm done. You'll keep blaming Zelensky, because that's all you're capable of doing, I'll keep blaming putin, because he's the one that started this and the one that can stop it. There's no point in arguing further.

[-] nyctre@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

You had me in the first half. Then you pissed all over it by blaming "eu allies" instead of the actual ones at fault. Saudis, Israel, conservativism, etc. Edit: meant us allies, not eu

[-] nyctre@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

We're on the same server so can't be a federation issue. Unless I blocked some idiots. Can't see any commenter praising the behavior.

[-] nyctre@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

First of all, that's your source, not mine. Also, if they wanted to keep their warmongering interests hidden why even publish that article? You make no sense

Secondly, really? Your argument is "you're supposed to believe putin, not the ones that conducted interviews, did research and wrote the article"? That's biblethumping-level of weak, c'mon... "Nooooo, you're interpreting the holy texts wrong"

[-] nyctre@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

Except if you'd read the article you'd see that's bullshit and doesn't support your claim at all.

Quotes from the text: "And the Russians knew these provisions would make it more difficult for the Ukrainians to accept the rest of the treaty. They might, therefore, be seen as poison pills."

"Still, the claim that the West forced Ukraine to back out of the talks with Russia is baseless."

And calls it "putin's manipulative spin"

[-] nyctre@lemmy.world 6 points 4 days ago

Yeah, next time just reply with "check out my domain name", or ".ml" if you wanna be even more efficient. Most people will understand your point.

But just to reply to your point so you can't accuse me of not engaging with your bs or whatever : the russians are investing in propaganda for a "maybe 0.1%"? This And This And everything else just because of "maybe 0.1%"?

Everyone knows that there's multiple factors at play here, and even if trump wins this year, it won't be only because of bots and propaganda. Like you said, the fact that you can accept donations for your campaign is a huge factor in who gets most visibility. And because most voters are uneducated, they'll just vote for the most visible ones.

The thing is, most people around here accused of being bots aren't really bots nor paid by russia. I don't think anyone actually believes they are. But they're people on which the propaganda worked.

[-] nyctre@lemmy.world 23 points 5 days ago

Do you happen to have a source for those numbers?

[-] nyctre@lemmy.world 32 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

That's most countries, afaik. Not all owners do that, ofc, but still. Sadly, pet owners looking for rent always have a harder time finding a place.

[-] nyctre@lemmy.world 24 points 5 days ago

Some people experience some things more than others. I believe that's how they place you on the spectrum

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