[-] newtraditionalists@beehaw.org 47 points 2 months ago

Is the law he broke stupid? Yes. Is he stupid for breaking the law on stage? Yes.


Go give it a listen. It's this adorable little composition, and whoever the studio drummer was just went "fuck this being a friend shit I'm going to give these fuckers a god. damn. ending." And that he did. It seems like a super simple snare fill kind of moment but nope lol. Every time I hear it I just explode with joy.

Anybody care to share examples of this type of joy you experience in your life? Random little moments that might not get talked about a lot, but are a mainstay in your lived experience?


Another food based holiday is around the corner, what are your plans? Any interesting departures? Anybody got family traditional foods they eat?

I'll be doing an Artichoke Fondue Dip as a snack for earlier in the day. For the main meal, definitely this Mustrad Cucumber Salad by Amy Thielan that I adore as a side, but not totally certain what else. I may end up just doing hot dogs since they are so easy and always tasty. But I am also looking for inspiration.


So interesting to learn about the ecological impact of cicadas. Imagine being a bird right now in Illinois. They don't even know how good they're gonna eat this summer. I'm happy for them lol

[-] newtraditionalists@beehaw.org 24 points 6 months ago

Sand repellant anus certainly is a new image for me.

Favorite Birthday Meals (www.beehaw.org)

So today is my birthday, and I'm wanting to cook myself something special! I have carte blanch to make a huge mess that my partner will clean, so I'm rearing to throw down. What are your fav celebratory meals? Could be simple, could be complicated, could be expensive, could be cheap af. Just looking for some inspiration. Anything from dino nuggies to beef wellington! Thanks in advance!

[-] newtraditionalists@beehaw.org 29 points 9 months ago

Damn, i love beehaw


One of the biggest food holidays is just around the corner. Let's chat about it!

What does your spread include? Any cool family favorite dishes? Any interesting spins on an old favorite you want to share? Trying anything new this time? I especially love hearing about the quirks of each families traditional spread.

For me, something interesting I am going to include on the table this year is Charleston Red Rice. I was looking for an interesting and unexpected side that didn't stray too far from the flavor profile of a traditional meal. Also, wanted to include a grain based dish as my family never does lol. And it's a dish I know for certain a few people attending will love. Also, a funny thing about my thanksgiving history...I didn't have green bean casserole until I was in my mid-20s. No one in my family liked it, so it was never included lol.

So what's going on with you and your Thanksgiving feast this year?

[-] newtraditionalists@beehaw.org 22 points 11 months ago

I'm all for voting in younger representatives but I would never in a million years vote for a 22 year old. Or a racist for that matter. But the most shocking part to me is his age. Like, 22 year olds have not been alive long enough to develop any kind of meaningful wisdom. I'm only 36 so my wisdom is only just developing and I look back on all the 22 year olds I knew when I was 22 and holy shit do not put any of those people in charge of important decisions.

[-] newtraditionalists@beehaw.org 23 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Read the article before posting please. This is a serious and complex issue.

I have struggled this time to engage with some of my friends. I have learned that many of them are not as supportive of oppressed people as they claimed to be. Tribalism is a deep current in the human psyche. I think the author does a good job of laying out some of my thoughts. Particularly, about the pressure that social media engaged people feel to declare things as if they were tiny heads of state.

I love my friends, but the fact is, they are incredibly underqualified and undereducated on these issues, as am I, and most people. This doesn't mean we shouldn't have opinions on these things, but making these opinions in such absolutist "I'm going to end this friendship if we don't agree" way doesn't help. I have never once heard them speak about Israel and Palestine, and all of the sudden they can't stop pontificating. Social media makes some people so self obsessed they can't help themselves from seeking the validation they get from seeing their words on a screen.

In more aggressive terms, I don't need to know your opinions on geopolitics Becky. The last time I saw you, you were doing lines of what you hoped was coke that you got from a stranger dressed as a unicorn. I don't trust you to watch my houseplants.

At any rate, saying Palestine should be free is not antisemitism. Free Palestine!


So I know Halloween isn't a day with a huge meal tradition like xmas or tday, but I'm having some dear friends stay with me that weekend and I would love to cook up something Halloweeny. So I'm curious, do any of you have any go-to meals/dishes for Halloween? No real requirements here, it can be outright spooky/gross or just autumn themed, and anything in between. Looking mostly for savory ideas, as the treats will be flowing already. I did the pinterest thing but love sourcing from communities like this. Thanks in advance for any thoughts/ideas!!

[-] newtraditionalists@beehaw.org 22 points 11 months ago

You could hear this family coming a mile away

[-] newtraditionalists@beehaw.org 17 points 1 year ago

Beehaw is such a special effort. I am so regretful that people have to be subjected to the darkest parts of humanity in order to protect the beehaw project. I don't need images. If that is the necessary course of action, then so be it.

Most importantly, I am so sorry to you as one human to another. I'm sorry you saw that. I'm sorry humans are hurting each other like that. And I'm sorry that your good faith efforts have been taken advantage of.

[-] newtraditionalists@beehaw.org 28 points 1 year ago

Thanks for putting this together and taking the time and energy to get our feedback.


Just inherited a bunch of cucumbers from a friend's garden. I love them just on their own with some salt, and have made many a salad using them. I'm curious what kinds of fun things you all may use them for. Even if you feel like it's basic please share as I will be eating cucumbers for the next several days straight lol. Thanks for any and all suggestions!

[-] newtraditionalists@beehaw.org 20 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Stay defederated. On top of all the great points already made, I don't understand people demanding instances behave a certain way. If you don't like the way this instance is handled go find another one.

[-] newtraditionalists@beehaw.org 51 points 1 year ago

Am I the only one who thinks it's rude to just ask someone for a hit off a joint like that? Been to lots of festivals and shows, and been offered plenty of things, but never once thought to go ask someone for a piece of whatever they are enjoying. Seems pretty presumptuous to me? Maybe it's more common in other parts of the world though.

[-] newtraditionalists@beehaw.org 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I say no to bots. I see the utility in some of them, but beehaw is only one instance, and I'd love to keep it an instance that I know is full of actual people. Makes me want to engage in conversation much more. Besides, if you want a bot filled experience you can engage in one of the instances that allow bots. If bots are allowed, I want them to be very clearly labeled. I want to know in one glance if I'm speaking to a bot.


Tell me about that one ingredient, that when discovered, it opened your mind to a whole new world of flavor possibilities!

For me, the first to come to mind is Worcestershire sauce. I'm talking about way back in my youth. It was my first introduction to what we now call umami. When I noticed my mom put it in her meatloaf I began experimenting. At the time I was just blown away by how much it changed things. I even used to put it in my Top Ramen I was so obsessed lol. More recently, dukkah. Trader Joe's is correct when they say to take bread, dip it in olive oil, and then dukkah. So tasty!!

What about you?

[-] newtraditionalists@beehaw.org 22 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

What a true badass. I admire not only her conviction, but her persistence and brains to shut down these fanboys of war.


I love to take an open Sunday and fill it with cooking. Anybody else? Got any fav all day dishes?

I recently got into making pastys but my waist line is asking me to stop lol. But I do enjoy the time to make the filling, making the crust, letting it rest, making the pies, and baking off. Such a delicious result too. And they freeze wonderfully! Anyone looking for a recipe I would recommend Amy Thielan's. She is so fantastic and her rutabaga pastys are delicious and kind of unusual too.

Anybody got any dishes to share?

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