Perhaps that's because it's what you know best and are used to. Volumetric measurements of anything that doesn't have a fixed density make no sense to me. What the hell is one cup of broccoli? Even a cup of flour can have wildly different ammounts of flour. My least favorite though is butter, how the hell am I supposed to measure out 3 tablespoons of butter? Melt it all on the stove and pour out what I need? I find it incredibly unintuitive.

[-] 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

You have misunderstood what I wrote. I said nothing about an employee purchasing a flag, I said that they would not be permitted to raise one, as they are a resource that is paid for by the act.

I think it's "asinine and childish" to be so rude, especially when it's you that has made the mistake.

I would think that the "or display" part prohibits a public employee from raising the flag.

[-] 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I don't know what high school you went to, but we sure as shit didn't cover stuff like partial differential equations and functional analysis.

This is cultural. Some cultures really do not care about nudity the way others do

Looks like you best get to switching.

Finland's recent closing of the eastern border had nothing to do with homeless flocking to available housing, and everything to do with attempts at destabilization by Russia. Do not use this as ammunition for your arguments, as they come from an obvious place of ignorance.

Finland's housing first policy has been in place for over 15 years. You talk about it as if it just started. A country can not only manage just fine with these policies, but can thrive.

[-] 7 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I remember looking this up some time ago, and I read that doing so may violate the terms you agreed to when purchasing the ticket. They will probably fine you, or at least attempt to, if you don't pull it off.

This is a very good response. Thanks for writing.

[-] 7 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Poached and hard boiled eggs vary by more than just their cook time. These names are much less about chemical processes and more about differences in technique. See other comments in this thread.

Spits, large skillets, and crossbows.

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