[-] mineapple@feddit.de 3 points 8 months ago

You mean games that arent available in steam at all, vor those which you haven't bought there? I found the easiest workaround for me was to simply add the games to my steam library and to launch it from there. Then I don't have to worry about what proton version I should use or whatnot.

[-] mineapple@feddit.de 5 points 8 months ago

Absolutely not. Came not even close to 16GB usage (yet) But I thought that it would be nice to have, and that the prices wouldn't go lower anytime soon, so I thought I might as well take the 32Gigs

[-] mineapple@feddit.de 4 points 10 months ago

I dont feel threatened at all. Im just saying its dumb to speak in behalf of all women when it is just your opinion. And your double standards are also interesting. When you tell the world, what you consider a turn off but can't handle it for me to say the same.

Essentially it is exactly the proof against what you were saying: Even though I might find people sexually attractive from a visual impression, overall attraction to a person is way more nuanced.

I have a last question for you: Do you also have the same disgust towards people who would say that the girl with a pearl earring, or any other painted or drawn person is attractive?

[-] mineapple@feddit.de 4 points 10 months ago

And this human being here is the prophet of all female human beings and can speak in behalf of all of them. I myself find it a big turn off for a person to be so insecure about what defines them as attractive, besides their visual appearance.

[-] mineapple@feddit.de 3 points 10 months ago

Some OSes allow per app firewall, so the easiest way would be to disable network connection for that app in the android settings.

[-] mineapple@feddit.de 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Just as a tip: you can run every Add-on on Firefox nightly. You can add your own add-on collection and select from that. You have to go into dev mode though. Yo do taht by tapping the Firefox logo in the about section like 5-10 times. You have to have a Firefox account though. Or you could use my fairly small add-on list:

Username: 16700479 Name of the list: cookies

[-] mineapple@feddit.de 4 points 10 months ago

So you think the weather is always the same in all of Europe? Because it doesn't matter, if it is cloudy or snowy in one part of the continent, if other regions have sunshine and wind at the same time. On such a scale, wheatger is not that much of a deal. Especially if you have storage mediums and other sources like gas.

[-] mineapple@feddit.de 2 points 10 months ago

I enjoy vaping. But I mix my own liquids, always without nicotine. But as much as i enjoy it, i dispise vapes. I think vaping is the major factor for increasing cigarette sales in the past two years. It is incredibly easy to get a vape stick just about everywhere. On top, many kiosk cashiers aren't to serious about age verification. And it is tempting to get one. They smell nice, they taste good, they look stylish and are somehow "cool". I'll admit that if they weren't such a ecological nightmare I'd probably try it aswell.

[-] mineapple@feddit.de 3 points 10 months ago

Once, I searched for a very specific thing about my laptops power throtteling behaviour and found an reddit post with an answer to it. After reading it, I saw my own username next to it :D I seemingly dug down that rabbit hole a couple of months prior.

[-] mineapple@feddit.de 2 points 10 months ago

We have very beat up VW T5s at my company and sometimes I do exactly this to practice. I have no empathy left for these, I don't feel bad for the gearbox. It surely will be the last thing to fail on these cars.

[-] mineapple@feddit.de 3 points 10 months ago

iirc, they already had to impelement, that you can choose the default search engine in Androids first setup.

[-] mineapple@feddit.de 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

CPU architecture wise, you can see the difference between cluttered, old x86 and ARM or even RISC-V chips. They just run so much more efficient, as you can tell with your phone lasting a day or two, or apple silicon consuming a fraction for the same performance.

An example for the ancient backend would be the flight pathing system DAL. (Wendover video)

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